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Spotted outside Cardomat Maybe Destiny’s Child will sing about your new T-Shirt—but only if it’s really cool.
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Congratulations, freshpeople-friends! President: Aliza Hassine VP: Nazli Danis Treasurer: Aurora Lende Secretary: Colleen Mulvihill
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Columbians Jordan Schau and Justin Turetsky want you to ride their bus. For $49.99, this magic bus will take you from the Broadway gates to the Lincoln Memorial for Jon Stewart’s Rally to Restore Sanity and Stephen Colbert’s March to Keep Fear Alive. It’s all happening on October 30th. How’d J&J come up with such an ingenious […]
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There’s a new beta version of the Columbia home page, and it looks spiffy! So much less Columbia blue than its predecessor, so much more Bwog blue! The website was designed entirely in-house with CUIT, took many drafts and about a year and a half to finalize, and was designed to make your life easier. […]
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It’s October 4th, the day of reckoning for Barnard girls in Greek Life. We’ll have coverage of the Town Hall tonight, but first we’ve got some inside info on sorority strategery how sororities are gearing up for the big event. An email circulating among the sisters includes “Facebook status templates” and scripted answers for FAQs.  […]
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All Hallows’ Eve approaches! Morton Williams displays their Halloween cheer with fall foliage, cotton cobwebs and toy tricker-treaters. Those guys are seriously styled, by the way. Love the bow-ties. But don’t worry, Morningside decorations aren’t all this wholesome. In the coming weeks, get ready for trampy vampires, naughty nurses and totally unnecessary thigh highs. If Mean Girls […]
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Oprah makes dreams happen: Columbia crew kids turned chocolatiers snagged an Oprah endorsement and hit it big. Grab your Salsabol and Chocomize bar, and you’ll have a veritable feast courtesy of Columbia’s culinary innovators. Plans for community garden at Frederick Douglass Houses thwarted by management. Bureaucracy: it’s not just at Columbia! Gerald Lesser, chief Sesame […]
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WBAR Showcase 2010

Friday night at the Diana Event Oval, Bwog joined pleasantly not-that-sparse ranks of WBAR fans to see its showcase of campus bands. It was fun! The line-up featured a mix of styles, and included both undergrads and grad students: Puppy Cops Mike Ferraro & The Young Republicans Cloudlicker Dr. Blount Tetractys If your band is […]
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Remember when? It’s back again! The weather…it’s everywhere!
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Lost: Ving key

Lost in EC area, number 138726.
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Hey there, Bwog is having a staff meeting tonight at 7 PM in the SGO on Lerner 5, and you’re invited! Even if you’ve never come to a meeting before, Bwog wants to be your friend and wants you to come to the meeting. If you have been to one (or more!) of Bwog’s meetings, […]
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Animals Aplenty

Drawn from the street by the welcoming sound of accordion music, Bwog stumbled upon the celebration of the Feast of Saint Francis and Blessing of Animals at St. John the Divine. Pigs, goats, dogs, and more than a few types of birds were on hand for the festivities, along with Amsterdam Ave’s native squirrels and […]
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Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
September 26, 2024
Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024
Thank god you found her again. If you hadn't we'd be totally defenseless against the angels (read more)
O Asuka, My Asuka: An Appreciation Letter To The Columbia Community
September 25, 2024

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