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In this installment of professor interviews we present Professor Frances Negrón-Muntaner —  filmmaker/writer/scholar/everything who teaches in the Department of English & Comp Lit and at the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race. Bwog’s Michael Adame sat down with her to talk cognitive channels of reggaeton, belt buckles and Ethiopian food in Morningside Heights. So you’re originally […]
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Warning: V-Show producers checked in with Bwog to tell us that tons of people are buying tickets online and not picking them up. If that’s you, you should probably stop by the TIC to pick them up today, or else you will face huge lines before the show. Remember that lines are fairly long to get […]
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The legendary Original Vendy Award Winning NY Dosa Cart from Washington Square Park (not to be confused with the Dosa Man between 115th and 116th) will be on college walk from 4:30pm to 8:00pm. You’ll be able to get an all-vegan dosa + 2 appetizers for $5. Yummeh.
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For the past year, one of the major behind-the-scenes bureaucratic struggles has been the changing face of the Arts Initiative as it moves from the Office of the President to the School of the Arts. Here’s what Bwog’s been able to find out about what’s in and what’s out at the Arts Initiative: Not only […]
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The Jester’s latest BUZZ-themed issue is out. Hunt for it around campus or read the online version here. Helpful corporate buzzwords for your real jobs and internships, and insight into the world of Googlebuzz. Page 9. Buzzcut protocol. Page 10. How to be a buzzkill. Page 14. She opens her petals…and he plunges his proboscis […]
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US flags are being flown at half staff today to honor the funeral of Dorothy Height, a leader in civil rights and president of the National Council of Negro Women. Height was admitted to Barnard in 1929, but was turned away upon arrival because the school would only admit two black students per year, so […]
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On Monday, we learned the identities of the academic top dogs in CC, and last night, Bwog caught up with this year’s valedictorian, Arianne Richard. How did you find out that you were valedictorian, and did you do anything special to celebrate? Dean [Michael] Pippenger emailed me about two weeks ago with the news of […]
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Citigroup’s CEO Vikram Pundit, who has  been causing quite the commotion lately, spoke to a surprisingly positive audience in Low last night as part of Columbia’s World Leader’s Forum lecture series. Principles of Economics Bureau Chief David Hu gives us the report from on high. No, it’s not SIPA graduation, but Vikram Pandit, CEO of Citigroup and 4-time Columbia […]
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ABC elects new reps. Congratulations to the new board! The geopolitics of Morningside media: the new news guy threatens to take over 116th. Stand strong, Rose! (Spec) A teacher and student get into a fist fight…um, accidentally? (Gothamist) Columbia announces a new filmmaker award. (Futon Critic) Oh Housing, you tease! 60 sophomores are still waiting for […]
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Yes, it’s getting to be that time of year again. As classes wrap up, your professors will undoubtedly have interesting things–or maybe just things–to say. As per usual, we want to hear about it.  Send anything particularly funny/shocking/melodramatic/actually dramatic/inspiring/etc. to, or just leave ’em in the comments. Photo via Wikipedia
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…because it seems like EVERY SINGLE CU STUDENT IS. Enjoy that barbecue, whether you get it now or at midnight! Photo by AB
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It may not be summer yet—finals and the weather are conspiring against us, it seems—but that doesn’t mean you can’t find a veritable summer’s day of free food this afternoon and evening. At 5:00pm, the annual CU Carnaval barbecue takes over South Lawn. Expect free eats and lots of samba–Facebook event here. And what’s a […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
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Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
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The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
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The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
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