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Posts Tagged with "musicals"

On Saturday, April 13, Staff Writer Sofie Huang attended the opening of Columbia Musical Theatre Society’s production of Anastasia, which ran on April 12 and 13 at the Glicker-Milstein Theater.

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On Friday, March 29, Staff Writer Sofie Huang attended the opening of Columbia Musical Theatre Society’s production of Footloose, which runs March 29 and 30 at Roone Auditorium.

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On today’s Bwoglines, China’s relationship with Russia amid crisis in Ukraine.

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As the first wave of midterms rolls around, Bwog’s staff members manage to do some wholesome this weekend between all the studying. If you have any stories that you think may be a good addition to this, email us at and we will add to it! Studious Bwog Found my new fav study spot @ Columbia […]

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A late-night email (4:17 am, to be exact) from producers Ally Engelberg and Laura Quintela let us know what lovely characters will be making up this years’ “Veesh”: Principals: Rebecca Farley CC ’16 Ethan Fudge CC ’15 Olivia Harris CC ’14 Molly Heller GS/JTS ’15 Jonah Weinstein CC ’16 Ensemble: Scott Bacon GS ’13 Ankeet […]

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These talented performers will join forces with the Creative team for this year’s VShow: Principals: Eleanor Bray (BC ’14) Rebekah Lowin (CC ’14)* Alessio Mineo (CC ’14) Jenny Singer (BC ’15) Sean Walsh (CC ’14)* Ensemble: Patrick Aloia (CC ’15) Allie Carieri (CC ’15) Ben Goldwater (GS/JTS ’14) Gray Henry (CC ’14) Jane Kim (CC ’14) […]

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Where Art Thou?

Bored? Where Art Thou? is here to help. There’s no better way to procrastinate studying for finals and writing twenty-page papers then seeing the many arts events on and off campus this weekend! If you’d like to help your fellow classmates delay their studies, submit your event to Thursday Fall 2011 Student Prints, 5 pm […]

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Bwog’s Musical Correspondent Lily Icangelo reports with a full bladder: When I found out that the Columbia Musical Theatre Society was putting on a show called “Urinetown: The Musical” and that it’s general premise was about a town where private bathrooms were outlawed and peeing was regulated—I knew I had to see it. I may […]

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Out of every fourteen days, one Wednesday is chosen–today is that hallowed day when Bwog divulges news of the TIC. Tickets sold for on-campus events this past week: 3200 On-Campus: Dumpling Fest: November 18th, 7:30pm, Lerner Party Space, $6. Tickets. Toy Story 3: November 18th, 9:30pm, Roone Arledge Cinema, $3. Tickets. KCST’s Macbeth: November 18th-20th,8pm, […]

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Bwog’s Song and Dance Connoisseur Sean Zimmermann reports on Columbia Musical Theatre Society’s latest production, Changing Direction. “You never realize the role of directing until you see different directors back to back,” explained Will Brown, Production Designer for Columbia Musical Theatre Society’s production of Changing Direction. The production features numbers from a wide selection of […]

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At last night’s show of Fiddler on the Roof, the average age of the audience was significantly higher than any of the other shows Bwog has attended in the past. Producer Jonathan Jager shared that many families purchased blocks of 10 tickets to the show, explaining the surprising lack of college students. Among the few college […]

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Taking a break from finals studying, Bwog’s North Pole Bureau Chief Sean Zimmermann reports from the production of “XMAS! 4: Shalom Alone” last night about the story of one little Jewish Santa: As the audience walked in to Roone, the first thing to notice was the loud dance music filling the auditorium. Lady Gaga, who […]

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Bill Clinton may be a tough act to follow, but the cast and crew of The Secret Garden seem to be handling the Roone Arledge stage quite well – or at least they’re putting on a good show. Hannah Goldstein reports from the (secret) final dress rehearsal. You might say the ‘Secret’ is out of […]

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  Finally spring seems like it’s here to stay—go outside and enjoy! FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AND SUNDAY Rods & Cables 8pm, 3LD Arts and Technology Center: 80 Greenwich St. An original arts creation, Rods & Cables explores the fears people carry with them about losing trust in the people that are most important to them. Price: […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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