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Posts Tagged with "hawkma"

Earlier today (or, technically, yesterday), Bwog received the following tip: Caught a close up of the feasting hawk responsible for the rain of feathers in front of butler today. A former staffer suggests that this is the same hawk dubbed “hawkmadinejad” back in the 08 09 era. Pic attached. Same bird? The bird in question […]

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A shadowy group styling itself as “Senior Aboveground” made itself known with an email to the entire senior class a few hours ago. The email appears to be some kind of strange, cryptic, free verse poetry, composed by those who would rather be conspiring than studying for midterms. The email reads as follows: To hell with […]

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Remember when this happened? Well, that gave birth to this, and the rest is history. Hawkma has been a living legend at Columbia for seven years and now you, yes, YOU can bring her glory to your Halloween festivities. Amateur bird-watcher/ nudist Claire Friedman is here with yet another costume idea for the Halloween-challenged: Hawkma, the feathered goddess herself.  You […]

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Early this morning, Bwog traveled toward Butler to begin a miserable Sunday of studying. And lo, Hawkma, our star of the sky, appeared. Hawkma wasn’t alone, however. She was joined by another avian friend who shortly flew over to John Jay (was it Hawkpa? Hawkma II? We aren’t sure of Hawkma’s sexual preferences) as he/she […]

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A wonderful tipster has brought to our attention the very first Hawkma sighting of the year. In the early hours of this gray, foggy Saturday morning, our ethereal goddess Hawkma was spotted perched on a lamppost on South Lawn, renewing our faith as we plow through midterms (still). As always, Hawkma appeared stately, majestic, and elegant.

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Hawkma Down

Who gives a shit about Valentine’s Day when there might be something wrong with our glorious Hawkma?!?! An injured hawk was spotted just outside of Mudd, surrounded by police tape. While Public Safety and NYPD are already on the scene, Animal Control is expected to arrive shortly. If you have any info about our beautiful, […]

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“As a man, I’m flesh and blood; I can be ignored, I can be destroyed. But as a hawk… as a hawk I can be incorruptible. I can be everlasting.”—Hawkma

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Last night, Hawkma was spotted on the John Jay 10 terrace. Quick-witted freshpeople snapped a few gorgeous pictures of the bird contemplating his/her existence. If Hawkma really is a she, her theme song would probably be Queen of the Night. Nighthawk(s) by David Brann.

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It began innocently enough. The Columbia International Relations Council and Association (CIRCA, formerly known as Model UN) announced to their members that Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (who gave a speech at Columbia in 2007), in town for the United Nations General Assembly, had invited them to a dinner on September 21st (the logistics of this […]

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Self-appointed Chief Hawkmadinejad Biographer Sameea Butt sings of gender identity and incorporeality for the benefit of 2015. It all started with SIPA’s decision to make the annual World Leader’s Forum a smidge more interesting in 2007. They extended an invitation, with PrezBo’s blessing, to the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to speak on campus was met […]

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Hawkma Returns

Like the magnificent phoenix, Hawkmadinejad has risen from the ashes and returned to Columbia. While Bwog’s crack team of orithonologists cannot confirm whether these two photos are of the same hawk, both birds sport a large white patch on the upper chest. Hawkma is probably just back to scope out the incoming crop of freshpeople. […]

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We’ve got some (potentially) sad news, folks. Hawkma’s reign over freshmen, upperclassmen, and faculty alike may have come to an end in the wee hours of the night. Though we can’t say for sure whether this is merely a Hawkmimposter, the slain bird does seem to resemble our robust, bloodthirsty friend. Tipster Ze’ev Gebler sent in […]

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NYU’s adopted hawk family, Violet and Bobby, have been the subject of a lot of concern recently. Bird experts, and Bwog, claimed that the pair’s eggs past due earlier this week, but to the shock and surprise of live stream viewers, one chick has since emerged! College students aren’t the only people who procrastinate in/on […]

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Believe it or not, Columbia scientists actually have better things to do than Frontiers. Bwog presents a review of Columbia’s week in science. Headlines were compiled by Ricky Raudales, who may or may not have submitted the hawk-themed short. One panel of judges at last week’s Tribeca Film Festival included two familiar scientists, Stuart Firestein […]

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Roses are red, Brown must be blue, Since Emma Watson is leaving… We would be too. ( There is nothing quite as annoying— With our hearts cab drivers start toying, “Where do you want to go? Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn? Ha, no!” Caught on tape, the act’s self-destroying. (NYT CityRoom) Speculation ensues; New, very low number […]

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