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Name, school: Ron Gejman, CC Claim to fame: Computer nerd extraordinaire! No, but really, I ran CULPA for the past couple years and revamped it a bit (remember what it used to look like?). I also designed the super-graphic—but ridiculously effective—posters that got put up all over campus during Ahmadinejad week. Where are you going? […]
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The West Coast Connection is giving out hearty servings of free guacamole today at 2 on College Walk. Thank you, friends! Update: oops, sorry- make that $1 guacamole with chips.
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This Morningside Heights landlord stole $900,000 in rents, possibly from you! (NY Daily News) This Washington Heights barber cut hair, and also killed people. (NY Post) The New School will expand, and people won’t get that upset. (NYT) Maybe not the best time for an art installation with a fake bomb? (Gothamist) 6,700 NYC schoolteachers […]
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It’s true: Collision, the sort-of annual end-of-year arts party, is not happening this year. Your one chance to make it to Brooklyn, squandered! According to Rick Fudge, the head of Collision, the board “decided we’d rather focus on smaller, more spontaneous stuff on campus,” like the occasional Minilision (ya know, mini-Collisions!) held this year, and […]
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Zoinks! Columbia, or the librarians, or someone nice and also official, is giving out free bagels with cream cheese, fruit, and Oren’s (!) coffee tonight in Butler Cafe from 10 to midnight. Don’t be late, we are cautioned: supplies are limited. There will also be some study break activites, maybe some deep breathing and the […]
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As we type! Baked ziti, mac&cheese, salad and a Wii. Third floor of Hillel, which is on 115th between Broadway and Riverside, accross from Schapiro.
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"The class was so ineffectively done that I felt cheated out of the class I was supposed to have taken--the class in the course description."
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Spring Orgo Night

Butler 209 Columbia’s greatest tradition continues at the same Band time, same Band place. Join The Cleverest Band in the World™ for its 51st consecutive, 69th semiannual storming of Butler Library. Get there early or be locked out!
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You know the drill: the semester’s ending, strange things are coming up on our lawns, and your teachers are saying even stranger things. We asked for your professors’ closing remarks, and here are a collection of the most outstanding: Sam Moyn, Historical Origins of Human Rights “Well, it’s been a sheer delight. Have nice lives.” […]
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Michael Molina, CC Claim to fame: I’ve been involved with various theater organizations, Fruit Paunch, play banjo and guitar in The Kitchen Cabinet, and was the Bwog commenter known as “anti-rjt.” Where are you going? Living in Nolita where I will be writing my robot screenplay and looking for a job in the entertainment industry. […]
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Professor Hamid Dabashi is hosting a review session about Hegel for CC sophomores and anyone else interested in chatting with CC sophomores about Hegel today, from 2-3:30, in Hamilton (room unannounced, look for signs in the lobby). The Facebook event’s wall doth runneth over with other semi-rhyming philosopher/food combinations. Bwog likes “Machiavelli and vermicelli”; “Oreos […]
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A happy Cinco de Mayo to you and yours! We hear the Reference Room is craazy right now. Floridita isn’t giving up without a fight. (City Room) Bloomberg goes to Washington: the city needs more homeland security funds. (NY Post) Last night at Christie’s Picasso’s “Nude, Green Leaves, And A Bust” became the most expensive […]
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This is crazy because I also went apple picking! (read more)
Field Notes: Apple Edition
October 8, 2024
This is a great interview. Thanks for your bold and brave words. When things are as bad as they (read more)
Barnard AAUP President Frederick Neuhouser Shares Thoughts On Student Protests And Administrative Responses In 1968 And 2024
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as someone who has class at tc and then at barnard, cut through milbank on 119th instead of going through (read more)
15 Minutes: A Story Of Trials And Tribulations
October 8, 2024
shoutout GEOLOGYYYY (read more)
Burrito Stratigraphy
October 6, 2024

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