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While you may have to invest in a pair of swimmies and a ski mask to get to the subway station, the lovelies at Inside New York have found some options for the more adventurous members of the Columbia community. Avant-garde or just sort of trippy? If weather conditions permit, The DUMBO Arts Center has proposed to […]
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Location: Alfred Lerner Hall, Room 477 Are you a senior and feeling anxious about what to do after graduation? Come to this informative and interactive workshop where we will explore the tools and techniques to secure your first job out of college! Contact email: For questions, please contact Patricia Woods at Contact website:
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Sex Toys 101

Don’t know how to start your weekend? Columbia RAs and Babeland will be holding a sex toys workshop this evening in the lobby of Harmony Hall from 7:00pm to 8:30pm, consisting of a one hour lecture and a 30 minute “shopping experience.” Read the full flyer after the jump!
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Bwog’s blurry photo experts have spotted a jogger on the Dodge track who is believed to be none other than PrezBo in a fetching black, blue and yellow spandex ensemble.
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Though we probably can’t see as many free exhibits nowadays, at least we’ll be able to drink our underage art-deprived sorrows away. The CU Arts’ latest initiative, CUlinary Arts, now gives Columbia students special deals at restaurants around the city – 12 out of 32 of which involve free alcohol, mostly in the form of […]
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Following Columbia administration’s decision to postpone the implementation of a gender neutral housing policy that was expected to be in place for the 2010-2011 academic year, the students who introduced the plan – EAAH President Avi Edelman (CC ’11) GendeRevolution President Miranda Elliot (CC ’10), 2011 VP Sean Udell (CC ’11) and 2010 VP for […]
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Desperate Times

Because we don’t have enough trouble getting to class, Columbia adds other obstacles. Photo by Jason Alarcon
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Stay in your homes – the Cataclyzzard is here! (The Weather Channel) Paterson’s bombshell story (Take 1 2 3 4). (NYT) The fight for marriage equality steps up. (NYT) The Battle of the Barnard Meal Plan Part V: Deployment of the Student Task Force. (Spec)
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Nothing says “Community Service” like Dunkin Donuts, hot chocolate, and Rock Band, right? CCO’s coming up (March 27th, just on the other side of spring break), so they’re taking over the Lerner Piano lounge from 8:00-10:00pm tonight for their “Rock Out, Chow Down” free food extravaganza.  There will be a raffle, too–all the details are […]
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Here We Go Again…

Snowicane? Cataclyzzard? Nor’Easter II, Electric Boogaloo? Call it whatever you like–just as back-to-back 40-degree days earlier this week led to tantalizing thoughts about warm weather, it looks like we’re gonna get dumped on. Again. The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm warning in effect from 6am Thursday until 6pm Friday. We’re told to […]
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Lerner Cinema **FREE FOOD AND DRINKS!** Do you have an interest in international affairs? Did you go to Model UN conferences in high school? Are you looking to get involved with a new, highly rewarding activity? CMUNNY V is looking for committee chairs, crisis directors, and committee proposals for our conference next fall. Come meet […]
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Finally, the hints of a new new, Westside-related restaurant are coming to fruition. A tipster alerted us that local blog Harlem + Bespoke recently posted on a new sign in the area, revealing that the restaurant in question would be called Vareli (Restaurant Lounge), filling the long-empty niche for Nice Restaurants With Artisan-Crafted Bronze Signs. […]
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a much anticipated review! thanks for sharing ur pov!!! (read more)
Qahwah House On Broadway: Review And Recommendations
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this is such a great article! (read more)
Are Inhospitable Lounges Part Of Columbia’s Community Problem?
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Building inspections are a scam. Back in 2010 contractors reported little old ladies for illegal basements and the next day (read more)
Bwoglines: Typhoons And Media Tycoons Edition
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beautiful anthropologie like $30 bowl they dont make anymore...... the thief is evil (read more)
The River Hall Bowl Thief: A Hate Letter
September 19, 2024

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