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Posts Tagged with "follow your dreams"

  Nico Muhly, CCxJ’03 (that’s Columbia-Juilliard Exchange), has worked with Philip Glass, Björk, and Grizzly Bear, among countless others.  On October 21, Two Boys, an opera Muhly composed, will have its Metropolitan Opera premiere.  Bwog’s resident opera enthusiast Alexandra Svokos was too starstruck to give him a high-five for Veckatimest. Nico Muhly, CCxJ’03, unlike some […]

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Hannah Goldstein, BC ’13, turned her passion for theme parties into a business earlier this year, when she started The Festivist Productions, LLC. She threw her first party—a 50s/American Bandstand-style Valentine’s day dance at Union Square—in February and is preparing to throw her second one—a Kids Party at Chuck E. Cheese— in two weeks. Bwog […]

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Columbia alums and former Fruit Paunchers Michael Molina (CC ’10), Colin Drummond (CC ’09) and Addison Anderson (CC ’07) created and write for a new sketch comedy group, Local Empire, which focuses on the absurdities of life in the city. One of their sketches, “Phone Girl,” recently got attention from Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, and College […]

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Last December, Erica Bell, BC ’06, was sitting down over coffee with her now-business-partner Katie Finnegan, trying to make the holiday season work for her taste and her budget. So basically like the rest of us. Except that now she’s the co-founder of a more-than-successful start-up called Hukkster, which recently received a not-so-insignificant investment by […]

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Free Food: OverSEAS

Are you a SEAS student who wants to learn more about Study Abroad? Do you just want free pizza tonight? If yes, stop by 825 Mudd tonight at 8 PM and your needs will be quenched. The meeting will cover all the logistics of engineering study abroad, as well as any other questions attendees may […]

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Most Columbia alums dream of a cushy job in trading or a somewhat successful book deal. But four Bio-Medical Engineering graduates are starting their post-college careers not by working in a coffee bar, but by saving a few thousand lives. Actually, more than a few thousand, if Tampostat, the group’s BME senior design project that […]

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With such a large and diverse student body [read: so much time spent dwelling in Butler like a vampire bat], it’s easy to miss out on some of the outstanding people on campus. Significant examples are Daniel O’Neill (CC ’13), James Wiseman (CC ‘ 13), and Emma Kahle (CC ’14), the recently named world champions […]

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After graduating from Columbia last year, Adam May, CC ’11, headed to Israel to volunteer in the Israel Defense Forces. On his blog, he chronicled his journey through basic training and assignment into Dover Tzahal, the Army’s media division. Now, he works as a military journalist, writing articles about the IDF for an international audience. Bwog: […]

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At this year’s Artivist Film Festival, one film rises above the current. Together: Dancing with Spinner Dolphins, a three-minute film documenting Barnard alumna, Chisa Hidaka, BC ’86, and her experience dancing with wild dolphins, awarded for Best Short in the Animal Advocacy category. Hidaka took a moment to talk with Bwog about her film, which is being […]

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Korilla—yeah, that’s a portmanteau of “Korea” and “grill”—has been known to Columbians for some time now as a purveyor of insanely delicious burritos, tacos, and bowls. Recently, it’s drawn national attention, winning Rookie Vendor of the Year at the 7th annual Vendy Awards and, more controversially, getting kicked off the Food Network’s Great Food Truck […]

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Codecademy, a quick, fun way to learn the JavaScript programming language has only been live for less than 100 hours, and it has already crawled its way to the front page of Reddit and been featured on Wired and Techcrunch. Developed by recent graduate Ryan Bubinski, CC ’11, and Zachary Sims, CC ’12 (and taking a leave of […]

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The Athena Film Festival took place at Barnard this weekend, and when Bwog heard that Greta Gerwig, BC ’06, of Greenberg fame, was going to be there, we just had to stop by. Lily Icangelo reports from “A Hollywood Conversation With Greta Gerwig.” Greta Gerwig is a lovely human being and I want her to […]

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Bwog’s beloved weatherman Pat Blute was on design guru Nate Berkus’ show yesterday! What can’t he do? Updated with comment from Pat: “The reason I was on the show was because I was the STA Travel World Traveler Intern for 2008 – so the episode featured items I bought while on that trip around the […]

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Chocomize was founded by three young entrepreneurs—Nick LaCava CC ’09, Eric Heinbockel CC ’08, and  Fabian Kaempfer CC’09—who met while studying together at Columbia University. One day they all went to a supermarket together. Nick, the one with the famed sweet tooth, visited the penny candy section and loaded up on candy, chocolate, and nuts. […]

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Last week, we saved potentially spilled salsa with the guys from Salsabol, and sang soulfully with Tara Priya. This week, Colin Drummond, CC’09, buys a house…on TV. We’ll be posting a few stories about enterprising alums this week and next. If you know an alum doing something worth writing about, tell us at Colin […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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