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Mark Rudd, a student leader in the 1968 riots, speaks out about burning 10 years of a professor’s work. (NPR) Some retired NYC teachers get over $100,000/year in pensions. (NYPost) The number of black students enrolled in esteemed NYC schools dropped by 10% under Bloomberg’s watch. (NYDaily) Taxis will start offering a ride-sharing service on […]
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And it is snowing peacefully on Lerner 5 tonight.
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Columbia University’s School of the Arts Theatre Class of 2012 Presents: Collaboration I: Adaptation Date: Monday, February 22, 2010 Time: 2:00pm – 5:00pm Location: Schapiro Theater Street: 605 W 115th St (In the basement of the Schapiro Dorm) Cost: FREE!!! 6 Playwrights 6 Directors 22 Actors 7 Dramaturgs 3 Stage Managers + =========== 6 new […]
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You keep dressing sharply and Bwog will keep taking your picture! Here, another week’s snapshots of Columbia’s most stylish students. Katherine Taylor, BC ’13, Hewitt Dining Hall Where are you from? Originally St. Petersburg, Russia. What’s your major? I want to major in ballet and psychology. What inspires your fashion sense? I think the thirties […]
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Grant D’Avino explains everything you will ever need to know about green energy. Thanks, Grant! Financiers, environmentalists, and concerned citizens packed into Faculty House on Thursday night for “Innovative Methods of Green Energy Finance”, a panel discussion sponsored by the Earth Institute. Steven Cohen, Executive Director of the Earth Institute, opened discussion with a simple […]
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Meet Marc Levy

Maison Française, Columbia University The French-American Alliance and the Maison Française of Columbia University are pleased to invite you to a talk by Marc Levy. Marc Levy is a bestselling author. His novels have been translated into 41 languages and sold more than 20 million copies, making him the most read French author in the […]
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Last night, CU Bellydance put on HIPnotic, its first troupe showcase in four years. Megan McGregor, Bwog’s Favorite HIPster, was there to report. After HIPnotic, one can be certain that its fantastic women dancers could surely “shake forever and never care.”  Those in the audience that nearly filled Lerner’s black box theatre waited in great […]
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Columbia students’ taste for red meat. (Spec) The FDNY’s big, strong muscles. (Gothamist) David Paterson’s power obsession. (NY Daily News)
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With the news that Columbia will be permanently adding 50 students to the College, Bwog has been wondering where, exactly, they’ll be putting everyone. Last week, Columbia announced that a new brownstone will be available for undergraduate suite selection this year.  548 W. 113th Street is a cozy, eight-room building nestled between the sororities and […]
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Sitting next to two girls eating lettuce with balsamic vinegar and wearing the same brown boots and sweaters: “I just feel like birthdays are so cliché.” “Wait, why is no one washing their face?  Is it National Don’t-Wash-Your-Face Day?” After some thought… “I’m a pseudo-vegetarian.  But doesn’t that apply to fish as well?”
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Bwog’s Dorm Decor Correspondent Carolyn Ruvkun presents you with another RoomHop! If you believe your room should be Hopped, please email with pictorial evidence. Flea market fiend Laura Sperber, CC’11, describes the Watt double she shares with Zoe Lubitz as “kitschy and cozy.” With quirky, curios and whimsical trinkets crowding every tabletop, their eclectic room […]
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It’s past noon, and you have no ambition to get out of your pajamas or stop mindlessly staring at your computer screen. This can only mean one thing–it’s time for Saturday Morning Cartoons! Cartoons by Abigail Santner
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The new rules are the absolute minimum expectations of civility. (read more)
Barnard Releases New Expectations For Community Conduct, AAUP Chapter Condemns Them
September 20, 2024
Please renovate and expand the lobbies, lounges, and common spaces, especially in the freshman dorms. Bring back the chandeliers, wood (read more)
Are Inhospitable Lounges Part Of Columbia’s Community Problem?
September 20, 2024
a much anticipated review! thanks for sharing ur pov!!! (read more)
Qahwah House On Broadway: Review And Recommendations
September 19, 2024
this is such a great article! (read more)
Are Inhospitable Lounges Part Of Columbia’s Community Problem?
September 19, 2024

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