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Bwog presents the winners of the Philolexian Society’s 24th Annual Alfred Joyce Kilmer Memorial Bad Poetry Contest. We hear it was positively painful to your ears. Winner: “Balloon Boy by Philip Glass” by Edward Rueda (CC’05), with Everett Patterson (CC’06), 2009 Kilmer Laureate 1st Runner-Up: “Ballad of the Frozen Heart” by Laura Baur-Jaronowski (CC’06) 2nd […]
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It’s almost officially Thanksgiving break – Bwog will be on bweak too with only a few posts a day. Enjoy your exoduses! The Thanksgiving travel rate hasn’t recovered from last year’s little spill, and the cheap early bus was probably filled to the brim yesterday. (Gothamist, NY Times) If you’re sitting in your dorm room […]
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Columbia’s newest undergraduate publication, NOW!HERE, a journal of world travel featuring articles, photos and art inspired by the international experiences of Columbia students, is now here. Bwog selects its choice offerings. How to take a Eurotrip. Kerouac, sometime Columbian and Spec writer, also wrote travel books. Margaritas! Clubbing! Tequila! Beautiful People! Piña Coladas! Sex! Art […]
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With a talk by Charles Simic “Il Premio Napoli a New York” Free and open to the public; reservations required: or 212-854-8562 Two of America’s finest and most widely-acclaimed poets will make a rare joint appearance to celebrate this prestigious international prize at Columbia University’s Italian Academy. Poet John Ashbery is the winner of […]
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The latest from the world of student government: As part of the push to open more rooms for student use (after the giant disappointment that was the opening of Lerner 6), the four councils have secured space in Broadway and Schapiro for future student group use.  To help determine the best use of the space, […]
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David Hu sent in this picture, showing the newly-decorated trees already illuminated, quite a bit earlier than the proposed date for the tree-lighting ceremony, reported to be 6pm on December 1st. Avoid College Walk if you don’t want the surprise to be ruined!
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Don’t Look Back

Once again, many of us will be making the pilgrimage from Morningside to a home, whether it’s yours, your grandparents, significant other’s. There will be queues at the airport, train stations and bus terminals. It will be stressful. To help ease the pain, Bwog has once again compiled advice from the most experienced travelers on […]
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Last night the Muslim Students Association put on their annual Eid al-Adha dinner – one of the largest and most diverse gatherings of Muslims on campus. Mark Hay happily sampled the food, music and entertainment on offer. Thanks to the vigorous push of outreach, this year’s celebration was one of the largest in memory and also […]
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You may want to be wary when ordering sushi. Luckily, Columbia scientists have the low-down. (Wired) Not looking forward to the wrath of irascible travelers Wednesday afternoon? Not to worry, apparently we’re chemically programmed to be kind. (NYT) “Things are moving extraordinarily fast” (finally…) at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. (National Geographic) There’s a […]
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Write for IDAYA Magazine

IDAYA Magazine is still seeking your submissions for our Fall 2009 issue! Our theme this fall is “Afropolitan” and we would love for your submissions to incorporate the dynamic nature of the African city. It is not too late to submit your articles! Our new deadline is November 27th 2009. Our categories for submissions are […]
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Online Virtual Internship Program- deadline extended to December 6! Positions are available in marketing, content management, web development, research and others. Learn more about the VIP here and apply today! Contact email: Syeda Lewis at
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Everyone’s favorite anti-Columbia tabloid, the New York Post, is back with another swipe at Alma Mater. In an article entitled “Schools’ Iran $$ Pipeline,” the Post reports that “anti-Israel, pro-Iran university professors are being funded by a shadowy multimillion-dollar Islamic charity based in Manhattan that the feds charge is an illegal front for the repressive […]
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Please renovate and expand the lobbies, lounges, and common spaces, especially in the freshman dorms. Bring back the chandeliers, wood (read more)
Are Inhospitable Lounges Part Of Columbia’s Community Problem?
September 20, 2024
a much anticipated review! thanks for sharing ur pov!!! (read more)
Qahwah House On Broadway: Review And Recommendations
September 19, 2024
this is such a great article! (read more)
Are Inhospitable Lounges Part Of Columbia’s Community Problem?
September 19, 2024
Building inspections are a scam. Back in 2010 contractors reported little old ladies for illegal basements and the next day (read more)
Bwoglines: Typhoons And Media Tycoons Edition
September 19, 2024

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