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In the first Security Alert about a robbery in just over a month, a Columbia “affiliate” was robbed while “walking along the foot path on the lower level of Riverside Park adjacent near W. 116th Street.” Two males–one wearing a mask, the other described as Hispanic–approached the affiliate; the male with a mask brandished a […]
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Sure, the university’s fearless leader may have seen his salary slip slightly, but PrezBo’s got another trick up his sleeve for the holidays: a new book. Uninhibited, Robust, and Wide-Open: A Free Press for a New Century will be released by Oxford University Press in December, with Amazon and Barnes and Noble listing the official […]
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In the latest installment of our recurring feature devoted to students’ hidden talents, Safecracking Bureau Chief Mark Hay shows us that some talents require anonymity. Schnitzel’s talent is not so much hidden as it is, of necessity, clandestine. Under New York Penal Law 140.35, just by possessing the tools of his trade, Schnitzel (ed. note: […]
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New Yorkers miss the pre-Giuliani Manhattan so much, they’re actually paying for their share of urban flair (Gothamist).  Sure, our economic prowess is draining away, but Americans are faster than ever!  Take that, India and China (HuffPo). Despite narrowing polls, it looks like Bloomberg’s reign will continue (NY1).  One Brooklyn custody battle is the stuff […]
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 – We still like to think PrezBo has this outfit in his closet. Photoshop credit to “D. Sion G.” These economic times have been rough on everyone, and even PrezBo’s checkbook is feeling a really tiny bit of heat. According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, Bollinger took home a sweet $1,380,035 in total compensation […]
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Election season means another Columbia Democrats campaign trip, and this year, they are returning to the Old Dominion (aka “Virginia”) to campaign for gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds. Sean Quirk sends us the first of two dispatches from the trail.  It’s 11 A.M. on a blistering, rainy Sunday morning as Columbia Democratic foot soldiers get a […]
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It’s the week after Halloween, you nailed that Clippy costume, and you pretty much have nothing left to think about, right? Not so fast! Don’t forget there’s an election right around the corner. For those of you registered to vote here, the most contentious race this year is probably for the Mayor of New York […]
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Bwog sent Lookin’ and Feelin’ Good Specialist Sarah Camiscoli to Ricky’s to get the ultimate opinion on Columbian fashion and some advice on how to look and feel, well, good. Now that anxiety of midterms has transformed into dread over future GPAs, the Halloween hangover has subsided, and fall break has brought salvation, students are […]
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On Halloween night, in an act that involved the time-honored tradition of firewater-induced mischief, a Harvard Law grad set fire to a chapel that housed the remains of victims of the September 11 attacks. (Gothamist) For the second time in two months, a Yale student has been found dead on campus, this time a 19-year-old […]
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Finally, white smoke!  After much deliberation, Bwog’s Halloween Conclave has named Rick Betita and his “Clippy, the Paper Clip from Microsoft Word” costume the winner of Bwog’s Annual Halloween Costume Contest.  Rick will be getting a surprise candy bar some time in the next six months.  Happy Halloween, all.
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After the men’s cross country team’s victory at the Heptagonal Championships and the football team’s last-minute loss to Yale, Columbia athletics fought through another sporting weekend both good and bad. Volleyball rallied from two sets down against Harvard on Friday, but fell, 3-2, and yesterday struggled against Dartmouth, losing by three sets to one. They’ll […]
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Submissions to Bwog’s Costume Contest are rolling in. Before we pick a winner, check out our favorite entries so far, and rate them yourself in the comments.   Patrick Londen as the Hamburglar.
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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