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Posts Tagged with "food carts"

A hungry tipster has just sighted a Luke’s Lobster truck marinating on 117th and Amsterdam, presumably with fresh and delicious seafood rolls at the ready. Celebrate the first day of spring by pretending you’re already summering on the coast! If you’re craving a more spicy spring fling, Taiwanese Lunch Box is allegedly lurking across the […]

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Looks like Hooda (halal cart on 115th and Broadway) got its ride pimped! Check out their cart after a recent facelift:

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And we’re gonna let you finish, but… New York City has some of the highest unemployment of all time. (NYT) We’ve also got some of the lowest homicide rates of all time. (AP) Columbia’s Joseph Massad has one of the most protested tenures of all time. (Manhattan Institute) The new swine flu nasal spray is […]

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Oh sure, you may be a fan of Cribs or Pimp My Ride, but nothing really screams “pimp me” like a bookcart. At least, so say the runners of, who have just concluded their third annual “Pimp My Bookcart” competition. Continuing our university’s fine winning streak, this year’s first place prize went to the employees of Butler’s Rare […]

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Maven reporter Lydia DePillis contacted Bwog just moments ago with this alarming and amazing tip:  “Chicken and rice stand on 116th–with a tv!”  Any guesses on what the Chef is watching? Josh Brolin on SNL tonight, must-see-TV perhaps?     

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Welcome back to the Best of series in which Bwog analyzes the best in a category of chosen food product! This week, we take a critical eye toward perhaps the only apolitical Middle East controversy on campus.  Join us as we debate the virtues and vices of three of Morningside’s falafel-purveyors: Amir’s, the Cart on […]

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Grammatically, Nuts4Nuts, a NYC snack food cart chain found most proximately outside the 116th Street Subway, is pretty interesting. “Nuts” has several meanings as an adjective, noun, and verb, and the numerical “4” can be read as “for,” “four,” or even “fore!” if you’re creative enough. Even paring down the options to “for,” nuts (food), […]

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It’s been awhile since the last installment of the cart tour, partly because of rumors that any chicken and rice in our immediate locality would be rendered irrelevant by the arrival of Sammy’s Halal, the 2006 Vendy award winner that was reported to be moving in to 111th? street, and then mysteriously disappeared. Now, the […]

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It’s been awhile since the last installment of the cart tour, partly because of rumors that any chicken and rice in our immediate locality would be rendered irrelevant by the arrival of Sammy’s Halal, the 2006 Vendy award winner that was reported to be moving in to 111th? street, and then mysteriously disappeared. Now, the […]

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    New York is a city with lots of people and most of them walk on the street, and everybody needs food, so there are a lot of street carts selling food. Midtown has the award-winning German sausage cart named “Hallo Berlin”, Washington Square has the vegetarian-but-miraculously-still-tasty dosa cart, and East 116th has a great […]

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