Let’s be honest, nobody knows how much longer we’ll have glorious fall weather, and those of us in the northern states are wondering how we’ll safely meet up with friends when the temperature drops. For now, savor these 34 Bwog-approved ways to get outside while we still can.
Reporting live from Columbia University in the City of [Your_Hometown_Here], I’m here to tell you how to emulate going to school in the city while trapped in the suburbs.
Sometimes, having a “philosophy” class of people who have good opinions isn’t enough! Senior Staff Writer Victoria Borlando is here to tell you the recipe for getting an evenly spicy blend of people for the best CC seminar.
Pandemic got you down? To boost your spirits, look no further than one of many novel-length emails from PrezBo that show up unasked for in your inbox. Bwog has collected some of the most bolstering and entirely unfabricated snippets for your perusal.
Spending hours staring at homework and textbooks gets old pretty quickly. Bwog is here to help you jazz up your late-night work sessions with some up-and-coming female artists who will be the perfect addition to your study playlist.
This Wednesday, Columbia School of the Arts hosted their first online Nonfiction Dialogue, wherein Writing Program Chair Lis Harris and author Maggie Nelson discussed freedom and criticism, discipline and love.
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You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
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