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Were they destroyed by madness? Starving? Hysterical? Naked? Staggering through the Negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix? Angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night? Or did they do something amazing/monumental/outrageous during their time at Columbia (in GS/Barnard/CC/SEAS)? Maybe they aced every problem set despite […]
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Thanksgiving break is over and we’re all back on that grind (or at least attempting to be.) If you need some inspiration in this trying final few weeks of the semester, look no further than Barnard’s fall Phi Beta Kappa inductees from the class of 2019! Fourteen incredible students have been inducted in this preliminary […]
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Some things are best expressed through bingo. Therefore, your friendly neighborhood first-year brings you… Barnard First-Year Bingo Realizing the Millie suit looks like…that… Bemoaning the quad’s laundry system Trying to maintain your high school sleep schedule Feeling like an impostor in Butler Attending office hours religiously Impulsively modifying your hair “OMG how will I ever make […]
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Happening in the World: Ukraine is set to declare martial law against Russia after the Ukrainian naval ships were seized by Russia. Each country blames each other for the incident, in which many Ukrainian crew members were injured. (BBC) Happening in the US: Over 1200 flights were canceled across the country post-Thanksgiving as a winter storm […]
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This past Monday, Columbia University President Lee Bollinger and Provost John Coatsworth announced that the university is willing to negotiate with the Graduate Workers of Columbia (GWC) and Columbia Postdoctoral Workers (CPW) unions, both of which are affiliated with United Automobile Workers (UAW). The announcement follows years of the GWC pushing the university to begin […]
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It’s been midterm week for two months now. You’re staying alive on a few hours of sleep, dining hall coffee, and fantasies of driving off into the sunset in PrezBo’s Audi. So what do you say when your aunt asks how your classes are going, and you haven’t been since the midterm? Bwog has some […]
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Resident Soylent drinker and Bwog Dad Andrew Chee feels that while the classic pizza options at Ferris are solid, their other “creative” flavors are…. questionable at best. Here are some possible flavors Ferris should consider serving. Artichoke pizza A clear nod to the NYC gem Artichoke Basille’s, this is a simple flavor that would be a […]
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Bwog has a wholesome yet fun final weekend before Thanksgiving break! Send your weekend experiences to to be featured.  Bwog has a “Treats Yoself” Weekend Baked a pie and carved a turkey (poorly). Gained probably 5 pounds and it’s not even Thanksgiving on account of Mac n cheez Rewatched American Horror Story: Apocalypse cause it might be […]
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While searching through the Bwog Archive, Staff Writer Henry Golub stumbled upon an intriguing LectureHop from the 1950s. The piece, republished below, does not represent the attitude, views, or practices of Mr. Golub. From the Archive: On January 30, 1952, Staff Writer Richard Richardson schlepped his 1950s rear end over to the lecture “Smoking and Health: […]
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SGA’s Rep Council met once again last night and, as always, Dassi was there to report on what happened. We can’t promise any exciting news–everybody is a bit tired before Thanksgiving, and neither our Barnard Bureau Chief or our Barnard Student Government Association is an exception. But things do happen, so read on anyway to […]
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Happening in the World: A dead whale washed ashore in eastern Indonesia was found with a large lump of plastic in its stomach, with items including drinking cups and flip flops. The 9.5-meter sperm whale was found with 5.9 kilograms of plastic waste including 115 plastic cups, four plastic bottles, 25 plastic bags, 2 flip […]
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Some spaces on Columbia’s campus are liminal. Some are profane. Some invite a Bwog post by a Barnard writer literally every day. But a few spaces are just downright cursed. This writer, currently nearing the end of her most recent all-nighter on the eighth floor of Butler, believes this space belongs in that third category. […]
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You’re the goat (read more)
A Lion’s Guide To The CC Core Curriculum
October 25, 2024
So true. I regret not writing this when I was in school!! (read more)
Someone Find Me A Plug
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Why can't Columbia students use Barnard's new Wellness center? Outrageous. (read more)
To Ban Or Not To Ban: Review Of Barnard’s Prohibited Items
October 24, 2024
Thank you for the kind words! <3 (read more)
We’re Reviving AskBwog
October 22, 2024

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