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Posts Tagged with "a night at the opera"

“Alas! I don’t know anything about the opera! I don’t know Italian! How do I go and enjoy an opera without feeling like an idiot?!” you might say. Here’s the secret: you don’t have to know anything.

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Last night, Bwog’s resident opera enthusiast Alexandra Svokos ran to the Metropolitan Opera to see Two Boys, a new opera by Nico Muhly, CCxJ’03, which had its Met premiere on Monday. “Oh shit, that’s me,” was my first thought as the curtain opened last night on Nico Muhly’s Two Boys at the Metropolitan Opera. The conductor hit […]

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Columbia makes the news for being pretty damn classy — yeah, we like opera and classic literature, it’s whatever. (WQXR) These algae-covered homes might hold the key to energy independence, but only if you can deal with the slightly-offensive color. (Yahoo) Your daily dose of creepy people: police finally arrest a man who has lived […]

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Before the semester sucks away all of your time for doing things you actually enjoy, why not take advantage of the city we live in?  Bwog has compiled a list of upcoming and ongoing arts events that we’re interested in, so maybe you will be too.  Take out some of that left-over Christmas money and […]

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Where Art Thou?

We’ve all been cooped up in our dorms enough over the past few days, and Bwog’s Arts Editor Kyra Bloom has the perfect remedy. Stretch your legs across campus or the city to check out these operas, musicals, comedies, and other arts events. If you have the inside scoop on another cultural happening, email Thursday […]

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I bet you’re wondering how Bwog knew about your plans to break curfew. Well, we heard it through the grapevine, along with these upcoming events from the TIC office. Campus Events: CUP’s A Bright Room Called Day. Friday and Saturday at 8 pm.$5 CUID. ShakeShorts-ShortShakes. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 8 pm. Free. Dance Marathon Halloween Party. […]

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The 2012-2013 season at Miller Theatre opened last night with Venezia. It will be playing again tomorrow and is sold out, but a stand-by line will be open at 6 pm. Wannabe Venetian Alexandra Svokos checked it out. Miller Theatre opened their season with the words “I do not know if I am awake, or […]

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 Photo via Voices from the Gap In a night of good theater and crazy-ass/disastrous commentary, famed authors Toni Morrison and Assia Djebar stopped by Miller Theater for a presentation of selections from their theatrical works. Though the night started out well, it ended with an onstage intellectual train wreck. First up was Margaret Garner, an […]

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