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Posts Tagged with "ACSRI"

PrezBo began the last University Senate plenary of the year with a collection of remarks on current events. On the passing of Bill Campbell “There was no more dedicated alumn of Columbia than Bill,” said PrezBo about the long-time Columbia trustee who died recently. “He really knew how to make organizations work,” said PrezBo. “When […]

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Columbia Divest for Climate Justice (CDCJ) posted a statement on their website yesterday evening, responding to Tuesday’s decision from the Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing (ACSRI) to reject fossil fuel divestment. In the statement, CDCJ notes that they “weren’t exactly surprised” by the decision. They go on to condemn ACSRI for failing to do […]

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The Columbia Divest for Climate Justice (CDCJ) met last evening with the Board of Trustees to discuss a proposal CDCJ has written “for divestment from the top 200 publicly-traded fossil fuel companies,” according to an email CDCJ wrote Bwog last night. CDCJ sent the proposal to Columbia’s Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing (ACSRI). The […]

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The Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing of Columbia University announced tonight their support for the University’s divestment from private prisons. This comes as a response to the USenate SAC’s announcement supporting divestment. Read the full statement from ACSRI below.

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The Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing (ACSRI) said two days ago that the proposal of Barnard Columbia Divest (BCD) for divestment from fossil fuels “did not meet the criteria for divestment.” According to their response (which can be read in full here), ACSRI will not recommend BCD’s divestment proposal because “the merits of the […]

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Yesterday’s University Senate plenary was packed with action and acronyms. We sent Low Lover Maud Rozee to observe. PrezBo missed the first half of the plenary because he was at an event congratulating donors on the success of the capital campaign. His absence stymied the “Questions for the President” part of the agenda, which is […]

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