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Posts Tagged with "cdcj"

Happening in the World: British authorities arrested another suspect in the Parsons Green subway terrorist attack. (NY Post) Happening in NYC: A man is continually building and rebuilding a series of stone statues along the Hudson river in upper Manhattan. (NY Times) Happening on Campus: Columbia Divest for Climate Justice (aka CDCJ) is having its first open meeting […]

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As finals season absorbs the very best of us, stealing our sleep and sanity with every hour inside Butler, it’s important to remember to take care and destress. We know Columbia Students aren’t always the best at this, so we’ve decided to help out. Here’s a couple of coloring pages showing the best activism of Columbia, to […]

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PrezBo began the last University Senate plenary of the year with a collection of remarks on current events. On the passing of Bill Campbell “There was no more dedicated alumn of Columbia than Bill,” said PrezBo about the long-time Columbia trustee who died recently. “He really knew how to make organizations work,” said PrezBo. “When […]

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Bwog (pretends) we got our hands on the diary of one of the CDCJ activists who slept in Low for 8 days and…let’s just say…well, let’s let it speak for itself. Enjoy! Friday, 4/15 Dear Diary, It’s the morning after my first night sleeping in Low Library. I feel…different. I can’t believe it happened. The […]

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Columbia Divest for Climate Justice (CDCJ) members just ended their 8-day occupation of Low Library, explaining, in a press release, that PrezBo will not be on campus all next week, and, moreover, they believe the administration is “on the path toward fossil fuel divestment.” Dozens of students entered the library last Thursday afternoon, beginning the […]

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Perhaps disoriented by the room change, the GSSC meeting was surprisingly short. And you don’t have to miss a single second: wily correspondent Jennifer Nugent was on the scene and taking notes. Last night’s General Studies Student Council (GSSC) meeting was off to a raucous start with a room change to Pupin. Latecomers even fell […]

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If you go to Low Steps right now you might see people in suits walk up to the entrance of the building, then turn around growling in frustration when they realize that protesters have caused the building to be locked down. This lockdown is part of CDCJ’s  protest in support of fossil fuel divestment, which […]

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Today at the BP Energy Outlook event, Columbia Divest for Climate Justice (CDCJ) interrupted the BP Energy Outlook, a talk with Group Chief Economist Spencer Dale and sponsored by the Center on Global Energy. The event, which “attempts to describe the ‘most likely’ trajectory of the global energy system based upon assumptions around economic and population […]

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Columbia Divest for Climate Justice (CDCJ) posted a statement on their website yesterday evening, responding to Tuesday’s decision from the Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing (ACSRI) to reject fossil fuel divestment. In the statement, CDCJ notes that they “weren’t exactly surprised” by the decision. They go on to condemn ACSRI for failing to do […]

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If you couldn’t tell, we’re obsessed with the November issue of the Blue and White and can’t stop sharing some of the great pieces from this month’s mag. Up next, we bring you a story by Staff Writer Yasemin Akçagüner about two major divestment groups at Columbia. When the University announced in June that it […]

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The Columbia Divest for Climate Justice (CDCJ) met last evening with the Board of Trustees to discuss a proposal CDCJ has written “for divestment from the top 200 publicly-traded fossil fuel companies,” according to an email CDCJ wrote Bwog last night. CDCJ sent the proposal to Columbia’s Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing (ACSRI). The […]

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Today, before Columbia Divest for Climate Justice meets with the Board of Trustees, members and supporters of the group staged an action expressing their support for Columbia’s divestment from the fossil fuel industry.  Beginning at 5 pm, CDCJ assembled in the courtyard of Wien with signs and banners as part of their “silent and safe […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
Gavin McInnes, Founder Of The Proud Boys, Seen On Columbia’s Campus On Wednesday
May 30, 2024
She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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