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Midterms season can be hard, so AskBwog tells you how it to make it slightly better.
Received 9:47 AM Dear Bwog, My roommate and I are still having problems. It’s gotten even weirder and I could really use some advice. Last night I had what I thought was just a dream. Well, I thought it was but my roommate has been treating me more creepily since. He brought back some weird […]
Dear Bwog, You answered my question yesterday about my troubles with my roommate, and I tried out some of your suggestions, but they didn’t seem to work. I woke up early to catch him before he left for class, but he left straight from the bathroom. I came back to the room before lunch, and […]
Dear Bwog, I’ve been having some problems with my roommate since we moved in before NSOP. He always leaves his stuff around, meaning I have to walk around his dirty clothes, class books, and used plates/utensils if I want to get to my clean half of the room. He also keeps the room really warm, […]
Dear Bwog, What do you do if your roommate doesn’t want you to keep drugs/alcohol in your room but you don’t have anywhere else to put them and your system of morality allows for illegal substances but not lying to a perfectly decent person? asking for a friend. Dear Asking for a Friend, Random roommates […]
We get it–maybe you first fell for your prospie when you saw him carrying an ugly armchair you found on the street up four flights of stairs to your room, or maybe it was when you looked into her big blue eyes over fries at JJ’s. Though Days on Campus is over for the semester, check […]
Dear Bwog, One of my friends is having a hard time finding mental health help. She has panic attacks and really severe depression. She was really triggered by the recent death, and went to counseling services in search of immediate counseling and medication to control her panic attacks. She asked Furman for immediate counseling and […]
Dear Bwog, These past few weeks, a lot has been going on in my life and I want to speak to someone about it. I called Furman but they put me on a wait list for an appointment and told me I probably won’t get one before the end of the semester. Are there other resources […]
Registration time can be a moment of crucial realization for all of us, especially when all of the sudden you feel locked in a major you don’t like/don’t feel competent enough to complete. In times of major crises, Bwog is a key source of wisdom on campus and there to remind you that you probably […]
We all have relationship troubles. Some of us are more promiscuous than others which creates problems, and sometimes we aren’t promiscuous enough. Bwog thought these two lost souls go hand in hand and maybe could help each other out. If you work at it we know you can forge the type of relationship you want. Dear […]
Dear Bwog, What’s the deal with the rolling chairs? Does everyone have to get one? I like rocking like a grandpa in my old chair. – Declare Chair Repair Unfair Dear Declare, From what Bwog has been able to discover, some dorms had all of their old desk chairs replaced with the new rolling […]
Where Art Thou: Welcome Back Edition
January 21, 2025In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024