A tipster overheard this not-sure-if-endearingly-cute-or-just-outright-creepy exchange outside the Mathematics building. Boy: I am going to drop Chinese. Girl: Why? Boy: Because I spend the whole class staring at you and can’t focus. Girl: That’s not my fault! Chinese via Wikimedia Commons
Dear Bwog is back! But we’re changin’ it up a little this time. First you’ll hear from Bwog’s self-proclaimed ”decent heterosexual male Suzy May.” Then, one of our Bwoggals weighs in. Bwog…we have a split personality! Send in your own trials and tribulations to tips@bwog.com. Dear Bwog, My T.A. just asked me out via e-mail: […]
Quick – get your Tamagotchi African villager avatar – lest you be trapped by your own limited, soon-to-be-obsolete pen-and-paper way of learning. Watch out for them drugs, kids! You might end up accidentally cheating by outsourcing your work to yourself. An awkwardly short list of nothing particularly awkward or noteworthy. Riot grrl#~~!!* Oh! The shame!
There’s nothing like naïve young hopefuls to feed our raging narcissism. We know how to procrastinate, thank you very much. Speak for yourself while you revel in your awkward ways. How to lie, cheat and steal your way through midterms.
As Valentine’s Day approaches, Columbia celebrates Love in all its shapes and forms. Today, Bwog’s bawdy buffoonery expert Hannah Goldstein reports on Chowdah’s tribute to the all-too-familiar awkward sexual side of Cupid’s holiday in the comedy club’s latest show, Sextravaganza. At least among college students, sex humor never really gets old. (If you don’t agree, […]
2013, you’ve just arrived on campus, and we know it’s rough out there. Orientation is awkward. You don’t know these people. You have to play Two Truths and A Lie and decide what color M&M you would be. “Wait, blue?! ZOMG, me too!” So while you desperately try to settle in, consider what your comrades […]
Last week, campus welcomed the heroic return of its illustrious talon-wielding raptor mascot and friend, Hawkmadinejad. Bwog got so excited at the prospect of an extended stay by our friend at Columbia this fall that we jumped in on all of the hooplah by creating a Hawkmadinejad 1977 Prom Photoshop Contest in his honor. This […]
PrezBo’s infamous Ahmadinejad opener has gotten bad press before, but never quite this bad: he beat out David Hasselhoff, David Vitter, Rosie, Paris, Miss Teen South Carolina, Caroline Giuliani, and (wait for it) BRITNEY SPEARS for most awkward moment of 2007, according to TIME‘s top 10 list. Maybe he should stick to hair extensions and […]
In the grand tradition of Columbia media outlets, CTV News has released a guide to everything you need to know to go here, an 11-minute broadcast that’s been split into six bite-sized videos for your viewing convenience. Bwog brings you the CliffNotes to the highlights. Most Useful: Year in Review Judging by the class of […]
Curious about the students who will swarm our hallowed halls come September? You know, the most recent “smartest class ever“? Never fear– staffer Lucy Tang wades into the muck so you don’t have to. Her report: If you thought the class of 2010 was annoying with their Myspace groups, discussion threads that provided too much […]
It’s nice to know that, when our biology makes life difficult, Columbia Health Services is there for us. Thanks to John Klopfer for the tip.
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025