Since I am still single after using their app, I have decided to write a poem.
BwogSex isn’t known for being meek, but today a guy recounts the rather awkward transition to dating from a sort-of-friends-who-have-drunken-benefits/late-night-buddies-who-tend-to-fuck relationship. Submit your story anonymously to our sexitor at or through our anonymous form (nude pics encouraged but optional). Sitting across from you at our small table in Starbucks, I am immediately drawn to how beautiful […]
Public Safety just wants you to be safe. And to help you stay safe, at some point along the line (1998? 2000? You decide.) they created this handy quiz, teaching you vital “campus survival” techniques, as if we go to school in some wild jungle. But kidding aside, it does contain some valuable information. Public […]
Dear Bwog is back! But we’re changin’ it up a little this time. First you’ll hear from Bwog’s self-proclaimed ”decent heterosexual male Suzy May.” Then, one of our Bwoggals weighs in. Bwog…we have a split personality! Send in your own trials and tribulations to Dear Bwog, My T.A. just asked me out via e-mail: […]
Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
February 8, 2025Marginalia: The Bibles Of Butler
February 8, 2025Maati Katha Is A Groundbreaking Performance
February 8, 2025Classes Bwoggers Dropped This Semester And Why
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