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Posts Tagged with "class of 2011"
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Farewell Friends

For the past four years, the good people at Morton Williams have printed “Welcome Class of 2011” on the bottom of their receipts. You may have graduated, Class of 2011, but we promise you’ll always be welcomed back. From senior wisdoms and graduation speeches to inspirational bottle caps and your old man’s sage words, it […]

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Party Poopers

A tipster sent along this photo of what appears to be a pretty big rager in IAB by the Class of 2011: While it seemed like all fun and games, shortly after, the party (technically not supposed to be there, or whatever) got broken up by a dozen or so Public Safety officers, the fire […]

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We’ve been telling you guys as they’ve been announced, but the final list of all Commencement and Class Day speakers, and the recipients of various other honors, has just been sent out. It does not include Barack Obama. It does include the professors who’ve won the Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching, the largest university-wide prize […]

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Look at how we caught your eye with that headline! Remember that sub-plot in V116 about Dean “Double D” Denburg’s Big Bear/Little Bear initiative? The one where DD matched Barnard first-years and upperclassmen in a binding friendship contract and Jenny couldn’t sneak out and meet Yonatan at 1020? That sucked for both of them, but […]

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Come eat your feelings at Schapiro Lounge tonight at 9 with CCSC 2011. There’s comfort food, including ice cream and French fries! Yum!

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That’s right, boys and girls–free cupcakes from the Class of 2011, bespangled in the old red white and blue (because there’s an election day going on or something? Maybe just because it’s Thursday). Hope they’re red velvet!

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Hot Chocolate Rain

If you need some respite from frantic cramming tonight, head over to John Jay lounge from 8-10, where a tipster tells us that the SEAS First Year Class Council will be hosting a “hot chocolate study break.” They’ll also be announcing the launch of their new website, Oops… hope we didn’t steal your thunder, […]

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Merrrry Monday!

Class councils are usually content with spamming our inboxes and springing for the occasional platter of Dino BBQ. And God bless ’em for it–free food and the electronically-reinforced illusion of class unity are the two pillars upon which successful student government stand. But the CC 2011 class council is taking this time-honored formula to its next […]

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Correction: CCSC 2011’s free donuts and coffee are from 9:15-10:15 PM in the Lerner Piano Lounge.  

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Learned Foote and Tom Amegadzie of Class Action! The ticket triumphed with 42% of 483 votes. Sean Udell (Representative – iColumbia) was the only candidate to break into Class Action’s slate, garnering the most votes of the representatives with 168 (probably because of the awesome carnival that he proposed in the debates). The only Class […]

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Polls are open!

It’s time to elect this year’s leadership for the class of 2011. Check out the candidates with our facebook primary and debate coverage, and then vote here or swing by Low Plaza any time before 7:00 PM.  Meanwhile, Bwog would like to reward the ingenuity of iColumbia with a bit of free advertising. Answer will […]

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Presidents and VPs and Reps, oh my!  Last night in Carman Lounge, speeches were spoken, questions posed and time limits were observed…is this democracy at work at Columbia? When iColumbia Class Representative Sean Udell suggested an epic carnival on campus this coming spring (with both caramel and buttered popcorn!), he inadvertently described the entire Freshman […]

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The Facebook Primary

It’s now time for Freshies to vote for CCSC 2011 and, armed with only 500 flyers and no money to spend, Facebook was bound to become a primary organizing tool.   Justin Vlasits surveyed the endless domain of the Internet to measure the standings of each ticket with less than a week until elections. Check back […]

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Ex-freshmen Rob Stenson and Mike Molina have captured exactly how Bwog was feeling last night at 1:00 AM when, locust-like, a swarm of 2011ers descended upon Ruggles.  It was terrifying. 

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Ready or not, 2011 arrives on campus THIS MONDAY. An anonymous photobwogger chronicles the fits and starts of Columbia before the Deluge.  COOP and CUE take off Thursday morning, and were recently spotted doing COOP and CUE things on the lawns, which involve shouting “ROAR!” in an ephemeral expression of spirit.

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