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Posts Tagged with "neuroscience"

Choose neuroscience if you want to know why you forgot why you walked into a room.

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Welcome back to Science Fair, Bwog’s weekly roundup of science events happening around campus. As always, email if you want your event featured, and enjoy your Thanksgiving break!

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Last Wednesday, Bwog Writer Jessica Weinfeld attended the seminar “Innovation in Neurotechnology, Innovation in Governance?” where four speakers gave talks on the intersection of neurotechnology and government regulation.

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Welcome back to Science Fair, Bwog’s weekly roundup of science events happening around campus. As always, email if you want your event featured.

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On Thursday, April 21, Zuckerman Institute presented “Embracing Uncertainty: The Power of Curiosity and Exploration in Learning,” the fourth and final lecture of this year’s Stavros Niarchos Foundation Brain Insight Lecture Series.

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As part of the weekly BME seminar series, Dr. Thomas Talavage gave a guest lecture on his research involving the study of concussions, CTE, and head injuries.

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At the Zuckerman Institute on Thursday, researchers and Columbia professors Dr. Rudy Behnia and Dr. Shuran Song spoke about their respective fields of animal vision and computer perception, and how we can apply those ideas to neuroscience as a whole.

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Hot off the press. Editor’s note: mentions of suicide and antisemitism.

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Neuroscience major and deputy editor Vivian Zhou is super excited about the new Neuroscience department at Barnard and wants to tell you all about it!!!!

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Have you ever wondered whether or not certain less genotypical traits such as mental illness, anxiety, or PTSD can have intergenerational effects? Deputy Editor Vivian Zhou is a Neuro major, so it was only appropriate that she went to cover the symposium on this topic. 

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Earlier this evening, Columbia University announced the removal of Dr. Thomas Jessell, a prominent professor in the Departments of Neuroscience and Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics, as reported by the New York Times. Dr. Jessell is a renowned neuroscientist; his accolades include the Canada Gairdner International Award in 2012, the Kavli Prize for Neuroscience in 2008, and membership in […]

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The Columbia Neuroscience Society will be having a research symposium today from 1:00 to 3:00 in the Satow Room, and there will be food (of the free variety). If you’re looking to find some potential research opportunities (not just in the Neuroscience Department) or looking for brain food lunch, stop by! Things got really out […]

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Columbia scientists take no vacations! Defying conventional medical technology, one Columbia engineer has decided to build his way out of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa. The mChip, now passing its fourth year of testing, aims to deliver the diagnostic capabilities of a full-fledged lab to patients on a hundred-dollar chip. In case that’s not impressive, […]

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Manhattanville’s first installment, the Mind, Brain and Behavior Initiative, is rolling full steam ahead, and they’ve put together this new and exciting video to tell you about it. The building itself will be called the Jerome L. Greene Science Center, and it’s supposed to be done by 2015, by which time there should also be […]

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Free Pizza

The Columbia Neuroscience Society’s Annual Symposium is today from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Satow Room in Lerner. In addition to chatting with professors, researchers, and grad students, you can snag some free pizza. Image via Wikimedia Commons

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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