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Posts Tagged with "barnard college"

On Wednesday evening, Barnard Dean Leslie Grinage announced that all final exams will now be remote, among other updates to academic policies following NYPD activity on campus.

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After a vote comprising Barnard’s chapter of the American Association of University Professors voted unanimously for no confidence in the leadership of Barnard President Laura Rosenbury, a similar faculty-wide vote had 77% of voters expressing no confidence. 

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On Friday, April 26, a Barnard spokesperson confirmed to Bwog that their administration has reached an agreement with “nearly all” Barnard students on interim suspension and restored their previously-rejected access to residence hall, dining, and classes. 

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On Thursday, February 29, Barnard Dean Leslie Grinage and Senior Vice President Sarah Gillman announced that an investigation has been launched to look into various acts of vandalism on the Barnard campus.

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The Barnard College Residential Assistants Union has released a letter in opposition to the recent ban on College dormitory door decorations.

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Barnard issued an announcement of the possible return of doxing trucks to campus on Wednesday, January 31.

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On Thursday evening, students protested against the Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies event “The Debate over Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism: The Terms and the Stakes,” holding a “counter-class” outside of Barnard Hall.

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Returning Bwog member Sofie Huang considers the new mysteries of Barnard College.

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The New York Civil Liberties Union has issued a letter to Barnard President Laura Rosenbury, alleging that College policies prohibiting political expression on departmental websites and requiring websites to be approved by the Office of the Provost violate academic freedom. 

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After months of negotiations with the College, the Barnard Resident Assistants Union has officially ratified its first contract.

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On Wednesday at 1 pm, University faculty members gathered on Low Steps to protest the recent suspension of Students for Justice in Palestine and BC/CU Jewish Voice for Peace, and to demand the University affirm its commitment to free speech. Content warning: mentions of violence.

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One day after “doxing trucks” appeared around campus, Barnard President Laura Rosenbury has announced a number of policy changes related to security, hate speech, and political discussion on campus. 

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Happy last full week of October! This week’s events include a panel discussion moderated by Professor Hillary Clinton, an ethnography of Russia, and a workshop on Allyship & Intersectionality.

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The union hopes to settle a contract with the college that provides equitable compensation for all RAs, particularly those who receive financial aid.

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Learn more about who’s running for SGA and their platform and purpose. 

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