Oy there skippers! The antwacky Philo posse cordially invites any gadges and manashees to a good ol’ afternoon of jackanories and canking with Karen the Librarian over tea and biscuits. Pip pop cheerio. Seriously though, the Philolexian society is holding teatime this afternoon in Sulzberger Tower from 4 – 6 pm with Karen the Librarian. […]
Bwog’s resident Portraiture Enthusiast Mahima Chablani returns with a second edition of Dead White Guys. This time, she’s here to provide the captions for the paintings surrounding the main stairs in Butler—no one is physically tall enough to come close to reading them. Next time you walk in, stop moaning about bed bugs and Redbull […]
Come April, Columbia is witness to a familiar but slightly strange sight: thousands of students and patrons eagerly line up to fork over their money for a musical theater show. And this all happens in an age when musical theater is about as relevant as a rotary phone. It’s a testament not only to the […]
We found this on the Library’s website, and it was too good not to share. Dwight Eisenhower wasn’t around all that much during his five-year presidency of the university, but he seems pretty chuffed to be at Columbia here, circa 1953.
In our new feature, Bwog goes behind the scenes, discovering the hidden joys of working at or around Columbia University. In our first exploration of pretend real life, Senior Labor Correspondent Katheryn Thayer followed Jordan Lord in his sweet setup at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library (Take Bwog to Work Day was actually on […]
Bwog has hopped and camped in libraries, but we’ve never actually explored their contents. The Columbia libraries are a treasure trove of exciting history, so with the help of our lovely librarian friends, we’re going to highlight some hidden jewels. In this installment of BiblioBwog, Karen Green, Ancient & Medieval History and Graphic Novels Librarian (what a combo!), […]
Bwog has hopped and camped in libraries, but we’ve never actually explored their contents. The Columbia libraries are a treasure trove of exciting history, so with the help of our lovely librarian friends, we’re going to highlight some hidden jewels. For our first installment of BiblioBwog, Carolyn Ruvkun talked to Jennifer Lee, Performing Arts Curator […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025