Each issue of The Blue and White has three short pieces that depict some interesting tidbit of campus or New York life, in 300 words or less. This issue, Senior Editor Luca Marzorati, CC ’15, brings you the story of pirate radio in the city, contributor Nia Brown, CC ’17, presents the history of the Croton […]
In the March issue of The Blue and White—on-campus and online now—now, Britt Fossum, CC ’16, tells us about some crazy desert science stuff Columbia used to be into. “The strange part was the rationale for construction in the first place,” admits Dr. Nicholas Christie-Blick of Columbia’s Earth and Environmental Sciences Department, describing the glassy […]
After a police sting involving a 19-year-old who looks 30, 1020 might lose its liquor license. In honor of all those late nights spent hunched over sticky booths—whether there’re to be more of them or not—Bwog Editor Alexandra Svokos writes about the 1020 murals in this month’s issue of The Blue and White. “Why, yes, […]
The September issue of The Blue & White is on-campus now, and Bwog will keep on posting the highlights for your reading pleasure. Below, Culture Editor Conor Skelding explains how Bwog accidentally gained a global presence in the Twittersphere. On August 14th, Bwog published an ostensibly unprovocative post divulging that Jaeseop “AJ” Kim, 21, member of the […]
Be on the lookout for the November and December issues of The Blue & White, on campus this week everywhere you look in Butler. As we always have done, Bwog will honor our heritage/amorous affair with our mother magazine by posting features from the upcoming issue. Below, Tom Humphreys asks a very important question: who […]
Be on the lookout for the December issue of The Blue & White, on campus this week. In the meantime, Bwog will honor our heritage/amorous affair with our mother magazine by posting features from the upcoming issue. Such treats include a breakdown of Barnard’s budget woes, a look at Columbia’s proposal for a new engineering […]
Keep your eyes open for the October issue of The Blue & White, coming soon to campus. Until then, Bwog will honor our heritage/amorous affair with our mother magazine by posting highlights of the upcoming issue online. Among the treats to look forward to: Knickerbocker Motorsports: a surprisingly gripping history, an examination of Columbia’s updated sexual assault policy, and the festive search for magic on campus. […]
The summer issue of The Blue & White has introduced you to Brian Greene, an underworld on fire, and Westside ninjas. Now, in the final of three Bluenotes, our field notes from campus, senior editor Claire Sabel scandalizes us with the liebestod of one of the university’s architects. It’s material that genuinely earnest tour guides […]
The May issue of The Blue & White serves up a doubleheader of Butler-themed Bluenotes. You can read below about the Soviet imagery of the lobby’s mural, in the companion feature from the magazine’s curious field notes. Here, staff writer Chris Brennan tackles an aural and architectural phenomenon. The residents of Butler can be a […]
It may be June, but the May issue of The Blue & White lives on. In Bluenotes, the magazine staff explore those smaller oddities of our campus and neighborhood, which catch our eyes from time to time. This month, the gazes of two staff writers were particularly caught by Butler Library (you don’t say?!) First […]
“Brooklyn,” A Movie Review
February 12, 2025“Brooklyn,” A Movie Review
February 12, 2025Fireside Chat With Dr. Anthony Fauci On Public Health And Pandemics
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February 10, 2025