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Posts Tagged with "scandal"

Canceled basketball games and even more canceled flights.

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This article is Guest Writer Spencer Davimos‘s precautious attempt to veer Columbia away from entering its Joker arc.

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AskBwog: Spec-cest

Dear Bwog, I am a freshman, so I don’t know much about the rules of journalism at Columbia. Here is my question—am I allowed to be part of both Bwog and Spec? Sincerely, Bwog-curious Dear Bwog-curious, We love that you’re interested in experimenting with Bwog, and we don’t care what other publications you’ve written for […]

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The foundations of our democracy have been shaken. We have learned through an exhaustive investigation (a.k.a. accidentally being cc’d on an internal email) that the CCSC elections board is currently investigating one of the parties running for freshman student council for election law violations. What are the specific violations? Well, that’s tough for the Elections […]

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The Barnard housing crisis just got worse: we now know that Barnard students who went on leave signed contracts guaranteeing housing—only to return and find those guarantees gone. Bwog has obtained evidence indicating that Barnard violated returning students’ housing contracts earlier this year by changing the terms, and revoking their promised guaranteed housing. Our tipster, who […]

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Update: Victory at last! The 2014 Class Council has received permission to use the lion illustration on their shirts. Sophomores in Columbia College are shirtless. They’ve been at Columbia for a year and a half, but still haven’t received any special “Class of 2014” shirts from the Class of 2014 Class Council. Today, the Council […]

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Last night, Republican voters in New Hampshire cast their ballots for Mitt Romney as the Republican candidate to oppose Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election; a collective Democratic head-scratching session ensued. Meanwhile, a different crop of votes were cast a little farther down the coast. But these ones—meant to decide a name for the new hawk nesting in Washington […]

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The New York Post is reporting that Laura Williams, a student in the School of Social Work, has filed a lawsuit claiming Professor Joseph Paul Martin from SIPA “constantly pressured her for sex,” and used her grade in the class as leverage. Martin is also Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Human Rights. […]

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The summer issue of The Blue & White has introduced you to Brian Greene, an underworld on fire, and Westside ninjas. Now, in the final of three Bluenotes, our field notes from campus, senior editor Claire Sabel scandalizes us with the liebestod of one of the university’s architects. It’s material that genuinely earnest tour guides […]

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Yesterday, while walking down Broadway, Bwog noticed a big group of people with cameras and Public Safety officers near Book Culture. Turns out a bunch of newspaper and television reporters were staking out an apartment where IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was supposed to be staying. DSK, as he is affectionately known by the French media, […]

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Because Bored@Butler – that great giant of anonymous heckling, hookups, and hate – finally got tired of being splattered with your blather. Since yesterday afternoon, visits to the site yield only a message from the site’s creator/moderator, Jonathan Pappas CC ’06, lamenting the “hate speech” and “racist comments” (read: trolls) that have caused him to […]

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Columbia Medical Center has been firmly scolded, says the Huffington Post, for unethical and unsafe practices employed by a study the Medical Center has been running for over a decade. After three internal reviews, a lawsuit or two, and an extensive federal review of the study, federal overseers “have taken the rare action of demanding […]

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In a scandal straight out of Days of Our Lives, PrezBo’s housekeeper is suing Columbia for alleged abuse.  Irena Medvedik, 67, claims that not only did the house manager assault her, but that she was forced to resign because “she is elderly and…of Polish national origin.”  The self-proclaimed President of Affirmative Action might just have […]

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David Letterman reveals his being victim of a $2 million extortion attempt—after having been sexually involved with several female members of his staff!  The number of entries in Letterman’s Top 10 List of Extortion Attempts has just increased—to one entry! Columbia climate experts have let Global Warming off the hook, attributing the recent Southeast drought […]

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Whatever you may think of Columbia Student Councils, at least they’re reasonably clean. In comparison to NYU, almost anything would be–the College of Arts and Sciences is currently in the midst of a special election after the news broke that outgoing president Meredith Dolgin (whom Gawker called a “pompous ass”), having installed herself as head […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
Gavin McInnes, Founder Of The Proud Boys, Seen On Columbia’s Campus On Wednesday
May 30, 2024
She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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