As you all know, the day prospies leave campus after DoC is the happiest saddest day of the year. So in an attempt to wish them a proper goodbye and hopefully bring them back in September, we braved the seven seas of Butler and asked the locals for some advice to prospies. Here’s what we […]
Sunday arrived last weekend, as it always does, to remind us that we actually go here for an education. So as a group of zombies took over Butler Library on Sunday, Bwog decided to ruin their nights by making them do their best to remember the highlights and lowdarks (or anything really) about Bacchanal the […]
So… Bacchanal is coming up. It’s headlined as we all know by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, also featuring Flosstradamus and Morningsiders. Another thing: it starts at 11am. How do people feel about all this? Well, your trusty Bwog braved Butler in a quest for answers. Here are some of the best ones: Girl in elevator: […]
Bwog was as excited as you were to get back to school after Spring Break; we wouldn’t have been able to cope with another day of not going to class. Nevertheless, spring break is a time we need to reflect on. So we went on our weekly Butler escapade to find out what the Butlerites’ […]
Bwog likes to descend into Butler on Sunday nights (just as a sense of doom is descending) to gather an idea of what’s going on with fellow Columbians. This week we asked you, “What are you doing over spring break?” The normal. Caffeinated girl by the bathroom: “I feel like I’ve been living off coffee […]
As per tradition, every week we at Bwog leave our meeting at the SGO every Sunday and go straight to Butler. You’d think we’d be studying, but we’re just annoying everyone who is. This week, we covered the issue that is(n’t) on everyone’s mind: housing. We asked, “Housing selection starts in 3 days. How do […]
In anticipation of that award show you read all about on Facebook, Bwog invaded Butler to gather the locals’ guesses for the winner of the grand prize of the night. Here are some of the answers we gathered. Some people (sort of) knew what they were talking about it: Guy near elevator: “Is Tarantino running? […]
Our beloved weekly series is back! Inspired by recent events, we bothered the poor souls trapped in Butler to find out what would stop them from going to Columbia’s favorite deli, Milano Market. Here are some of the best answers we got: “I actually don’t go to Milanos! Have never been.” “Probably getting stopped and frisked. […]
Work may not be bothering you in Butler yet, but Bwog is! We spent our Sunday night asking the few souls who are already studying in Butler, “Why are you here?” only to quickly realize that it was a silly question. While Bwog’s shoddy work ethic keeps us from the depths of the library until […]
Last night, Bwog procrastinated from its various papers by conducting another Bwog Asked on unsuspecting library-goers, this time asking the ambiguously ominous question, “What keeps you up at night?” Here’s a sampling of some of our results, along with an unexpectedly detailed conversation about grease. Boy constructing cheatsheet in 210: Wet dreams. Get it? 209 […]
Last week, Bwog asked Sunday night Butler residents what they would rather be doing. This week, we wondered what’s getting them through finals. Here are their replies: Boy in 310 alcove with Mac charger hanging across room: Red Bull Two guys in 210: We deactivated our Facebooks (bold strategy, guys) Girl in 210: R&B Another […]
Last week, Bwog asked Sunday night Butler residents if they were happy. This week, we wondered what they would rather be doing. Here are your replies: Guy in polo: “Hanging out with friends.” Girl with cool scarf and really white teeth: “Raging on a beach at a party.” Girl with warm fuzzy jacket: “I’d be […]
Tonight, Bwog bumped around Butler, asking one question: “Are you happy?” Here is what you said. A guy walking into 209: “Yes, because I think I’m in the right place, doing the right thing.” A man on the second floor: “Moderately. [shrugs] That’s kind of an awkward question to ask in a library.” One of your friendly […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025