Even the most lavish banquet has to come to an end. Today at 7 p.m. Lerner 505, we will be having our last Bwog meeting of the semester. If you feel like Bwog has made your semester better with other people’s juicy news or downright shittier with your juicy news, and that, after 12 hours […]
Get that epiphany immediately after turning in your Calc midterm that you fucked it up? Are you preparing to stay up all night, barfing words (The author utilizes…) onto your computer just to finish your UWriting essay for tomorrow morning? Did you just wake up? 5:00p.m? Beside the rodent that you named after your best friend […]
Here at Bwog, we support each other no matter what. And now that the Holiday season is upon us, support is more important than ever. You’re probably wondering… Support? What kind of support will I need? It’s Thanksgiving, after all. I can’t wait to go home, eat some turkey/tofurky (we at Bwog respect all lifestyle choices), […]
This one goes out to all the Arctic Monkeys fans out there. In the words of the illustrious Alex Turner, “I’m going back to 505, if it’s a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive.” We know you can’t resist the sultry tones of Turner. So come on back to Lerner 505 – it’s […]
Nicki Minaj has consistently expressed her desire for young adults – for young women in particular – to stay in school. What she hasn’t yet expressed is her desire for you to come to the Bwog Meeting tonight. But make no mistake, we know she wants you to. She’d obviously encourage it; after all, why […]
All our life Bwog wants money and power Respect our mind or die from think pieces We pray our dick get big as NoCo So we can fuck Lerner for about an hour Goddamn we feel amazing, damn we’re in the SGO in Lerner (Tonight. 6 PM. Come thru for the last hoorah aka Bwog meeting of […]
The world is full of three two types of people: the good and the bad and the ugly. At Columbia, we know that those people are Bwog and Spec and the Lion. There will be a time in everyone’s life when they must choose between white wine or red the light and the dark. That day is today. Join us […]
Bwog has an agreement to only change our editor-in-chief once a year. WELL BWOG MESSED UP AND FORGOT ABOUT THE AGREEMENT. So here she is, our second Editor-in-Chief of the year, Taylor Grasdalen: cool, refreshing, and goes great with Arby’s sandwiches and other Arby’s foods. Bwog: we have a new editor-in-chief. Interested in meeting Taylor and the […]
Whether you decide to celebrate Columbus’ slaughtering of the natives Turkey Day or not, Daily Editor Mason Amelotte recommends you take a moment to reflect on the true nature of Thanksgiving: sex puns. Indeed, Thanksgiving is the only holiday (other than Presidents’ Day, but that’s a different story) where sex jokes can should run rampant in a family setting. Wondering who the real kinky […]
Too busy Shakin’ Off the bad feelings of midterms? Tryna get Out Of The Woods of Morningside? Feel like you have some Bad Blood with Bwog? Flat out jealous of our Style? Come to the weekly Bwog meeting tonight to clear things up!!! Trust us, [We] Know Places and [We] Wish You Would come visit us […]
On Monday, we issued an apology regarding the events that occurred following the Rules of Protest Town Hall. As stated in the Note On Change, we are committed to redefining our online presence in a way that puts the needs of Columbia University students first. In order to make this change, though, we need your input. Tonight at […]
Did you have a rough weekend? …get nothing done? …get sick because of that ridiculous temperature drop? Want to tell us about it, write about it, or just cope with some free snacks? Come hang with us at 7 PM in the SGO in Lerner. Let’s commiserate together. Your second family via Shutterstock.
In case your FOMO has doubled considering it’s the end of the semester, or you’re already having ragrets about not being involved in enough extra curriculars, Bwog is always looking to embrace new members with open arms. We’ll be meeting tonight at 7pm in the SGO Room on the 5th Floor of Lerner. Come eat […]
Finals got you down? Considering just not studying for finals and still being able to pass? Life in general just hurts? Come cheer up at our meeting tonight at 7pm in the SGO Room in Lerner. We have snacks and smiles. Let us guide you from the darkness of impending finals towards a brighter life. […]
“Its first effect is sudden violent, uncontrollable laughter; then come dangerous hallucinations—space expands—time slows down, almost stands still…fixed ideas come next, conjuring up monstrous extravagances—followed by emotional disturbances, the total inability to direct thoughts, the loss of all power to resist physical emotions… leading finally to acts of shocking violence… ending often in incurable insanity.” […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025