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Bwog Meeting Tonight!

Today is the annual Reconciliation Day. It is time to make up with those exes that break up with you through text messages, with those friends that stabbed you at the back, with those friends at whose back you stabbed, with that special someone who faded out your life, with whom you shared a complicated, […]

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If you are like Bwog, too excited to study without looking at your phone every 10 minutes yet too anxious to actually relax and wait for Spring Break… Come to Lerner 505, at 7 pm for Bwog’s meeting tonight! We swear we won’t bite! photo from vet street

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Like, you need to come to Bwog meetings. Because 1) Like, we are actually cool. 2) Like, we are an integral part of the lives of Columbian students. 3) Like, we are quirky, fun and edgy. 4) Like, we have juicy secrets, about many things! You will never say the C word again without being reminded of […]

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Even the most lavish banquet has to come to an end. Today at 7 p.m. Lerner 505, we will be having our last Bwog meeting of the semester. If you feel like Bwog has made your semester better with other people’s juicy news or downright shittier with your juicy news, and that, after 12 hours […]

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It feels like Thanksgiving has just passed, and now, school is ending in eight days. The reality of imminent finals is finally dawning upon us, and we could not decide whether to feel #blessed or #fucked. On one hand, winter break is approaching. We could finally stop sleeping in the stacks. On the other, our GPA […]

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Yes, we know what you’re thinking. It is three days before Thanksgiving…but what exactly can we be thankful for? Your friends called CAVA on you last night. Now, you have trust issues and a $500 bill to pay. On top of that, you have a 3000-word essay due tomorrow at noon on the rhetorics of […]

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In difficult, stirring times like this, Bwog would like to invite you to Lerner 505 at 7 p.m., to remind you of the felicitous things in life. We have cheap jokes, bad puns, and grapes from Trader Joe’s that even the most divisive members of our comment section would join hands and agree are objectively […]

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If you find yourself trick-or-treating in MoHi or some other borough of New York City for Halloween, you might want to come to Lerner 505 at 7 p.m. today for a ~spooky~ Bwog meeting, where we will be discussing all the Halloween-y stuff, such as Trump’s toupee, Hillary’s emails, and the NRA. Okay, we are […]

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Today is the fifth official World Spine Day! Do not doubt it. October 16th is a day for the vertebrate. Been lying prostrate? Want some grapes? Lose some weight? “Staighten up and move.” Come to this week’s Bwog meeting in Lerner 505 at 7pm. Bring your friends. Feed us some pitches and we will feed […]

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Even though shopping period is over for classes, you can still sign up for extracurriculars! Bwog has writing opportunities, social events, and most importantly, free snacks. Come to our weekly meeting tonight at 7 pm in Lerner 505 with pitches and questions to meet fellow new writers and our senior staffers. The syllabus is available on […]

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Today, April 10, is National Sibling Day! Founded by native New Yorker, Claudia Evart in 1995, this day is meant to celebrate siblings. In honor of today, we’ve decided that you should bring your siblings to the Bwog meeting tonight! But not just blood relatives, bring siblings of all kinds with you – be it […]

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Nicki Minaj has consistently expressed her desire for young adults – for young women in particular – to stay in school. What she hasn’t yet expressed is her desire for you to come to the Bwog Meeting tonight. But make no mistake, we know she wants you to. She’d obviously encourage it; after all, why […]

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What’s up, CU? How was your weekend? Oh, did you not realize it was Sunday again? That’s right, get ready to open your Alarm Clock app again for the first time in days, because the weekend’s almost over. But don’t worry, there’s one party left you won’t wanna miss. It’s got people, places, and things. […]

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It’s the night you’ve all been waiting for. Bwog’s first open meeting is tonight, 7 PM in the SGO on the 5th floor of Lerner. Be there or be square. Snacks and pizza will be had, conspiracy theories will be discussed without sarcasm, and there will be dancing like you see below. New writers: we’ll be […]

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We’re certainly riding the struggle bus—if not driving it—but we’re pushing on for our weekly meeting. Come hang out with us tonight at 7pm in the SGO Room on the 5th Floor of Learner. Come enjoy some laughs and snacks. Wow, those sound like everyone’s two favorite things. Come participate! Oh, speaking of Bey; if […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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