Here’s to womanhood. Editor’s Warning: Mentions of death and violence.
What’s rising faster? Gas prices, or the smoke from Central Park?
New York City is the biggest city in the U.S. and one of the biggest cities in the world. While all the chaos of eight million people coexisting in only a couple hundred square miles is incredibly exciting, it’s easy to feel trapped – especially when it’s ninety degrees outside and you’re living in a double […]
This Saturday, Bwog embarked on an adventure through New York’s most exciting jungle, Central Park. And we didn’t just look at the foliage—we ate it! Bwog participated in an urban foraging tour led by famed naturalist “Wildman” Steve Brill. Bottom line is, if you enter “wildman” into Google, his name comes up first. Update: Watch […]
UWS residents blame Columbia’s recent construction for rats the size of “cats and kittens.” Columbia they’re culpable, but will offer a pest-taming workshop. (PIX 11) Big deal physics prof Brian Greene will make a cameo appearance in the Big Bang Theory as himself! (Digital Spy) NYC Councilwoman Gale Brewer introduced a bill which would prohibit cars […]
Bwog spotted many new and slightly wondrous things this week… New and fruity sandwiches at JJ’s. New and fruity Westside samples! Almond butter with mixed berries and creamy strawberry dip. Rickshaw Dumpling truck at 116th St and Broadway. This mysterious new ‘Fast Food’ truck. Uni café actually open. Vandalism. What IS up with 2014?? Dosa […]
Hannah Lepow finds out what it takes to get tickets to one of New York’s most famous productions. You can find the print version of The Blue and White around campus or on Bwog. The only people crazy enough to brave the outskirts of Central Park before the summer sunrise generally fall into two categories: […]
“Wait, a minute,” some 2013s might be thinking, “it’s only Thursday. Doesn’t the weekend start on Friday?” Not at Columbia…unless you have a lab…or a language class…or an internship…or…well, forget that, here’s the year’s first Guide to the Weekend. Thursday-Sunday Light of the Sufis: the Mystical Arts of Islam : Gathered from the collections of […]
Columbia PhD graduate/ Google search engineer Sasha Blair-Goldensohn is making headlines all over the Big Apple as he recovers from being hit by a falling branch while in Central Park. Yesterday, according to the Daily News, “Blair-Goldensohn, 33, a Google engineer and father of two young children, was walking to work through the park Wednesday […]
This weekend, one court-yard in the center of Central Park has been converted into a refugee camp. The exhibition, presented by the French foreign aid organization Doctors Without Borders, is an effort to show Americans what living in a refugee camp is really like. I took the subway down to 72nd and walked east into […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025