The Class of 2009 has mustered under the aircraft hangar tent in front of Butler.
The 115th Annual Varsity Show will be upon us in less than two weeks, for four all-too-brief performances. The February preview promised a choreographed exorcism and drunken freshmen first-years galore. Does it get any better? Yes, if you’re a Columbia College senior. Normally it’s five dollars to get in, but CC’09 is offering two hundred […]
Bwog-rover James Downie hunkered down in the Satow Room to follow the latest CCSC meeting: The meeting began with a vote on cosponsorship requests: while most of the groups received their requested amounts, the Vagina Monologues did not get money for dildos for the audience (or maybe “dildoes for the audience”–Bwog and Demetri Martin aren’t […]
Less than 24 hours after CCSC filled one vacant seat, another spot has opened up. This time, it’s CC ’09 Class Council vice-president Mallory Carr, who resigned earlier today. Carr won election this past year as part of Mark Johnson’s Fusion Party, after running the year before as VP for Policy on Natali Segovia’s Voice […]
The list of the twenty most popular living CC alums and parents is in! The CC 2009 Class Council has just released your top twenty choices of who you want to see as this year’s Joel “Who?” Klein. Class Day Speaker nominees include Eric Holder, Warren Buffet, Seymour Hersh, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Terrence McNally and yes, […]
Seniors are invited to take comfort in the womblike warmth of Lerner’s basement for the third installment of this year’s Lerner Pub. It will be the classiest Lerner pub yet; featured drinks include red and white wine and Corona, with limes! Entertainment includes The Kitchen Cabinet, hard-rock band Raul, and, once again, everyone from your […]
We just posted about nominating your favorite political figures, writers, scientists and members of Vampire Weekend for this year’s Columbia College Class Day speaker. If you’re unsure of whom to pick, Bwog’s put together a quick list of people we’d think would be good choices. Feel free to argue with us or suggest your own […]
The Class Council of the Columbia College graduating class of 2009 is urging that all seniors submit nominations for this year’s Class Day Speaker. Using your nominations, the council members will present a “wish list” to Quigley, who will then invite those 5-8 possible speakers. This is all of course assuming that there are more […]
Class of 2009, you have officially reached the point at which the school will buy you a Bud Light–and all it asks in return is that you please, please hang out with the rest of your class. In Lerner Party Space. With faint music playing on someone’s iPod speakers. By mixing you together with moderate […]
Spec is only running Monday and Wednesday on this sunny, gloriously action-packed midterm week. So in the absence of our usual morning recap, we present this motley roundup of completely unrelated miscellany… Behold the latest email from the CC ’09 class council, proving to seniors, perhaps, that they don’t have it so bad. The missive begins […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025