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Posts Tagged with "resignations"

Joe Milholland, marquess of Mondays, takes us to the most recent CCSC meeting, where the discussed topics included building a more helpful and effective student-alumni relationship and of course, without fail, Bacchanal. Read on for survey results, interesting quotes, and typical council drama. “We were invisible. I didn’t even know what it was until I […]

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For the first time in forever, you’re actually excited about Homecoming! You’re less so about by-laws, but Bwogger Joe Milholland, unmoved, gives you the CCSC recap you need, not the one you deserve. At the Sunday night Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) meeting, VP of Campus Life Kelly Echavarria announced that this week’s Homecoming activities […]

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Minutes ago, PrezBo and Coatsworth sent out the following email to the SEAS community, announcing Dean Peña-Mora’s sudden resignation. Could it have something to do with the faculty’s letters of no confidence last year (and this year)? Last fall, the Times reported that 80% of tenured faculty supported his replacement in a strongly worded letter. […]

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Sean Zimmermann reports from last night’s ESC meeting. ESC passed a resolution to encourage the administration to fix the safety and aesthetic problems in Pupin Plaza. For the last few years, the stone walkways near NoCo and Pupin have been deteriorating, and the council feels that the area has become a safety hazard to students, […]

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ESC sat down for a chat. Sean Zimmermann got to watch. Reminder: FRESHMAN ESC ELECTIONS END AT NOON! Vote Here! VP—Policy Logan Donovan called for council members to help her work on current CCE improvements. She urged members to “remember their campaign promises.” Accountability! CCSC Liaison Linda Sun resigned. The GSSC liaison, Rebecca Frauzen, has […]

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Brian Connolly, Associate Vice President for Public Affairs from the Office of Communications, has released the following statement (emphasis ours) from President Bollinger regarding the resignation of Columbia College Dean Michele Moody-Adams. Bollinger writes that “under the circumstances,” Moody-Adams will step down immediately, rather than on June 30, 2012, as she proposes in her statement. […]

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While we are still waiting for official comment from the University administration, we have received multiple confirmations from a wide spectrum of students, alumni, and faculty that Michele Moody-Adams has resigned as Dean of Columbia College, and that the news was sudden, unexpected, and as of yesterday afternoon, a complete surprise to many administrators, up […]

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An active member of the alumni network who wished to remain anonymous forwarded us the following email, purportedly sent by the Dean of Columbia College, explaining her resignation as of June 30, 2012. Dated yesterday, August 20th, the message has quickly spread by email, according to two active alumni tipsters. Although it is addressed to “friends,” […]

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Sean Zimmermann reports from the first ESC meeting of 2011. Since Senior Class VP Eric Hirani is graduating early, Senior Class President Amanda Tan announced that she will accept applications to fill his position until end-of-day on January 28th. Class council VPs are chosen internally by current members of the class council, along with two […]

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The ESC also met Monday night. Bwog’s Sean Zimmermann was there. The council spent most of the time before the election discussing the current dining survey, and the results so far. Common student complaints on the survey included the extensive crowding of Ferris, especially on the weekends, the lack of takeout in JJs, and confusion […]

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CC ’09 VP Resigns

Less than 24 hours after CCSC filled one vacant seat, another spot has opened up. This time, it’s CC ’09 Class Council vice-president Mallory Carr, who resigned earlier today. Carr won election this past year as part of Mark Johnson’s Fusion Party, after running the year before as VP for Policy on Natali Segovia’s Voice […]

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Earlier this evening, University Senator Tiffany Dockery CC ’09 resigned her seat in a letter to the Student Affairs Caucus. Dockery, last year’s BSO president, was on trial for impeachment for not attending enough meetings of the Student Affairs Caucus. In her letter, Dockery lists several reasons for her resignation, including her belief that “there […]

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