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Posts Tagged with "student councils"

On Wednesday, February 21, the undergraduate student councils announced that the normal operations of annual event Glass House Rocks will be canceled.

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At tonight’s CCSC meeting, Daphne Chen announced that 2016 representative and Campus Life Committee member Ben Kornick resigned for “personal reasons.” In this letter to the council’s board, leaked on our anonymous tip form, he disagrees with the current state of the Campus Life Committee (one of four committees) and notes how he hopes to […]

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Update: Victory at last! The 2014 Class Council has received permission to use the lion illustration on their shirts. Sophomores in Columbia College are shirtless. They’ve been at Columbia for a year and a half, but still haven’t received any special “Class of 2014” shirts from the Class of 2014 Class Council. Today, the Council […]

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CC ’09 VP Resigns

Less than 24 hours after CCSC filled one vacant seat, another spot has opened up. This time, it’s CC ’09 Class Council vice-president Mallory Carr, who resigned earlier today. Carr won election this past year as part of Mark Johnson’s Fusion Party, after running the year before as VP for Policy on Natali Segovia’s Voice […]

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Since Bwog broke the news of the ROTC referenda last month, the logistical details behind it have still been debated. However, it appears that the student councils at last have a plan. In an email sent by SGA earlier today, a letter from the four councils at the end spelled out more about the timing […]

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In response to widespread concerns over access to the ROTC survey planning meetings that have been going on amongst student groups, the next meeting will most likely be moved to Friday, and be declared open to all groups, pending a vote from the current coalition of group and council representatives. The move was pushed for […]

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The student councils and a newly-expanded list student groups met last night in the SGO to continue their discussions of the NROTC referendum. Despite the now-public nature of their plans, the meetings remained closed to the press with notes being sent to campus media organizations. The meetings are still focused on the process behind the […]

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With the dual force of Obamacain four days from striking campus, student groups and councils are scrambling to inject themselves into the festivities. On Saturday, representatives from almost every governing council, as well as CPU, the College Democrats, and the College Republicans, met to plan programming for the run-up. They plan to send their outline […]

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Well, they moved quickly this time. As we wrote about before, the announcement of a joint appearance by Obama and McCain on campus next Thursday took student government and group leaders completely by surprise. Just before midnight, though, the presidents of the student councils, club governing boards, and Panhellenic councils have sent an email to […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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