On the semester’s first Friday the activities fair bestowed unto Bwog the following: One plastic Japanese fan (which was very useful in the foul heat) One pocketful of melted chocolate At least four varieties of baked goods Condoms-a-plenty the Holy Bible One bright yellow gym sack brandished with advertising from Columbia Community Outreach A nice […]
“Sweet shit!” Bwog thought as it considered the network of temporary fencing cris-crossing College Walk. “They’re filming a sequel to ‘The Siege’ right here at Columbia!” But a quick glance behind the fences–as well as the ominous absence of Bruce Willis and Denzel Washington–revealed that the university is undertaking a long-overdue renovation of its main […]
SEE CORRECTION ABOVE. As part of Black History Month, there was a blood-free HIV testing event on College Walk today (Wednesday) in order to raise awareness of the AIDS epidemic in the African-American community. It was open to the community, and we’re not sure how many test-ees were Columbia affiliates and how many weren’t, but […]
We told you about Pressbox, the originally named new Spec Sports blog, and now The Steps is back too! Welcome, Splog children, to the shiny world of new media (and most every other college newspaper in the country). So far they’re taking on political philosophy, national politics, sports and…nothing related to Columbia at all. But […]
The great thing about Hanukkah’s fourth night, said J-school professor Ari Goldman as he lit the lanterns of Chabad‘s traveling menorah this evening, is that the people who believe the candles should be lit in descending order and those who believe one should be added every night can at least agree that, on that night, […]
Bwog correspondent Addison Anderson was there. I couldn’t stay for the whole thing, but Dean Quigley read an (the best) excerpt from Dylan Thomas’s “A Child’s Christmas in Wales” for about fifteen minutes to a rapt audience, and repeatedly told us to keep an eye out for friendly ghosts of Columbia’s past. Then some administrators […]
There’s a new sport on campus, but you won’t see them posting offensive recruiting signs: the Four Square League welcomes jocks and pussies alike. The Varsity team plays at 4:00 PM on Fridays on College Walk. If you’re new to the game, you might want to check out JV, whom Bwog ran into on Van […]
Bwog tipster Casey Callendrello documents the presence of a broken down Hummer limo on campus today. A rap star, perhaps, calling on PrezBo? Or a 16th birthday party gone horribly wrong? Either way, bad form, chaps. What do you think this is, NYU?
Ninjas on campus! Bwog tipster Shannon Donnelly marvels: As I was crossing College Walk at 6:30 this evening, I came across at least a hundred Martial Arts blackbelts. They were all lined up in their white uniforms and black belts, looking very fierce despite the persistant rain. Because I don’t have the Zen training necessary […]
It’s not unusual to be accosted several times on the way from Lerner up to the steps by earnest Bible studyers asking whether one is a Columbia student and/or Christian. Bwog usually thanks them politely and walks on, reminding itself to dodge the next time one homes in like a heat-guided missile. But it couldn’t […]
Overheard on College Walk: “The Biennial? Didn’t they just have one of those two years ago?”
Students are currently giving out blue and white t-shirts on College Walk. You might want to pick one up if you’re comfortable with the message: Front: “Our bodies are temples….” Back: “Reform Jews are HOT” The Blue and White: Now using sex to sell Judaism…. -Lydia Depillis
A Runner’s Guide To Morningside Heights
February 1, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
February 1, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
January 31, 2025Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
January 30, 2025