Did you know the Spectator editors have a blog? Well, they do! And they have selected a winner! Apparently, Spec conducted a completely necessary survey to examine the relationship between Bwog and Spec, among other things. Some findings? For one thing, we do, in fact have a relationship. “Though its effects haven’t been researched, Bwog’s […]
All month, Bwog has been waiting with bated breath while the Speccie population at Columbia has feverishly shadowed for their desired positions, written long proposals, and faced the firing squad of this year’s board. At the end of it all, campus news deputy Tom Faure came out on top for Editor-in-Chief in what was originally […]
Poor, misunderstood Columbia. No one seems to get the story straight–not even campus media sometimes–and the Hunger Strike of Fall 2007 was no exception. We’ve compiled what we’re sure is a woefully incomplete list of inaccuracies. We’ll let Columbia Assistant Vice President for Public Affairs La-Verna Fountain explain what was wrong with the bit about […]
Touro College Expands Into Harlem Columbia Expands… into SPACE! Frontiers of Science expands minds…into SPACE! An invitation to a “Verses for the Masses”…scheduled with a Lerner event SPACE request Finally, Columbia students discover “unless you hate freedom,” the Holy Grail of rhetoric.
After going down in flames with its first two attempts at opinion blogging, and with a tentative re-entry into the world of instantaneous news coverage with the Orientation blog, Spectator is taking a third swing. A little corner notice in the paper this week read: “The Opinion Section has launched a blog twice and was […]
Advance intel says the site looks really good. Although it’s not that hard to beat CollegePublisher.
We know this is a cry for attention, so we’re just going to get it over with. Other hip banner slogans include: “It’s bigger than a bread box” “Of all the college papers in America, we’re one of them.” “Not part of the journalism school since 1877” “Independent since 1962. Cynical since way before […]
Looking for a platform? QuickSpecking? Hate mail? Your picture in the paper…every week? Apply to be a Spec opinion columnist! Word is they’re making all current talking heads reapply, leaving 10 spots (dubiously) wide open. “You may propose any beat, including serials and illustrated columns, and while we are not specifically looking for a sex […]
Color photos! Cool design! The backing of a million-dollar publication! Jump on it while you can, kids. Anyone interested in the positions of: Managing Editor (Features) Managing Editor (A&E) Web Deputy Lead Story Editor Senior Writer Should contact Alex Gartenfeld, Editor, at ajg2102@columbia.edu for more information.
We’re about to start our Senior Wisdom series, and Spec is looking for some cool ’07ers too. To wit: Know someone who’s made the most of the last four years? Spectator is looking for the best, the brightest, the quirkiest students in the class of 2007 (all four undergraduate colleges) to write about in its […]
This year has so far seen the launch of several Columbia student blogs, and the death of almost as many: Spectator‘s opinion blog The Steps and its sports blog Pressbox are both defunct, and the Dems’ Lion and the Donkey hasn’t published since April 5. Fortunately, the Columns is still going strong, and WikiCU adds […]
A commenter let us know about Spectator‘s housing coverage blog this morning, and we’ve been anxiously checking since. They’re sending up live updates from John Jay lounge on what’s gone, what’s still available, and some funny shit people have said in their panics. So, rather than sitting there on our butts all day ourselves, we’ll […]
As part of its never-ending quest to figure out why people either a.) don’t read the paper or b.) bitch about the paper, Spectator held a Town Hall tonight within the welcoming, safe space of Earl Hall’s auditorium. Approximately half of the approximately 80 people at the event were from Spec–Bwog knows this because one […]
The New York Times Magazine covers sex publications, marking the eighteenth time in as many years Bwog has read about H-Bomb; interestingly, the aforementioned Harvard publication was granted college funding, unlike, say, Columbia’s Outlet. No mention of sex pieces in non-sexual college publications? Following in the footsteps of our favorite “explicitly, absolutely, without a doubt […]
Blades on campus After raising the level of machete-related campus chatter to an all-time high last Friday, Spec cruelly crushed our Indiana Jones dreams with a correction today. “According to a statement issued Friday by Columbia’s office of public affairs—the first since the incident—the door was opened by a handyman under police supervision with a […]
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025