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Posts Tagged with "dancing"
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Where Art Thou?

Button your buttons, shine your shoes! There’s culture all around, and it’s pretty fun too. Our Arts Editor Kyra Bloom brings it all to you.  Tonight Grupo Quisqueyano is sponsoring an Afrobeats Dance Workshop tonight at 6 pm in Barnard Hall, Studio 1.  The event is in honor of the beginning of Black History Month […]

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Tonight at 10 pm in the Lerner Party Space, CU Dance Marathon is hosting a Halloween-themed dance! And no, it won’t be 18 hours long. Tickets are $1 at the TIC or online, and all proceeds go to the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation. While you’re there, not only will you be able to hear the […]

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Congratulations to CSC for last night’s unforgettable Night Market. Amidst the food trucks, the performances, and the dragon dance, there was a huge turnout and all left satisfied. Food was eaten, drums were beaten, and halloweekend kicked off to a great start. Photo by Elyse DeWitt

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shORCHESIS Showcase

Bwog’s Staff Dance Enthusiast Megan McGregor reports… Yesterday, the line for the TIC to see Orchesis’ fall 2010 showcase was so long that it went outside of Lerner and even caused many to miss the first half of the show. If you decide to go to the second and final showing of “down by the […]

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Zoe Camp, BC ’14, was on a boat last night. This year’s New York City Event started off with a heavy dose of déjà vu. 2014ers strolling—or in the case of the many high-heel-clad girls, clopping—onto the flight deck of the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum were greeted by a clapping, whooping sea of […]

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A Ruckus for Sukkos

If you’re in Butler and were wondering why people are happy outside your window, look no further than Low Plaza where over a hundred happy Jews are dancing with torahs. It’s the last night of the harvest holiday of Sukkot, and revelers are linking arms, singing and rejoicing over the crops they have reaped this […]

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Have you ever been to a ballet and thought, “Wouldn’t it be great if Siegfried and von Rothbart could just talk out their problems instead of resorting to dance?” Then you were probably happy to see one of several thousand posters for May I Please Speak?, a spoken-word ballet going on tonight and tomorrow in the […]

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Last night, Culture Editor Tony Gong went to CCSC’s massive multicultural event “Passport to Columbia,” and returned a little more appreciative of diverse foods, arts, and Columbia, the nation. His account of the night follows. Some people (naysayers and cynics, mainly) don’t think you need a passport to go to Columbia. “Columbia is a university, […]

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From the throes of summer-class paper-writing, Dominique Jean-Louis reports “weird people” are kissing, dancing, and engaging in other merry-making activities on the roof of Lerner, all with thunder booming in the distance. How romantic. Just watch out for those skylights.

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We’re about to start our Senior Wisdom series, and Spec is looking for some cool ’07ers too. To wit:  Know someone who’s made the most of the last four years? Spectator is looking for the best, the brightest, the quirkiest students in the class of 2007 (all four undergraduate colleges) to write about in its […]

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      “If you’re wondering why I keep taking off my shirt, it’s because it’s flammable” – Todd Spitz, SEAS ’08

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Diwali Dinner Redux

Those trying to study in Lerner last night didn’t have a chance, as the beats of DJ prophecy wafted up from a candlelit Roone Arledge, where over 400 sari-clad students celebrated Diwali, the Indian Festival of Lights. Diwali, a holiday celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains, celebrates the victory of good over evil, which–along with […]

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That infectious music on Low Plaza? The red, blue and white balloons? The people playing dominoes?  It’s all about the Dominicans, baby.   

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Those getting busted at the b-ball frat bash probably missed Saturday night’s alternative midnight mischief —  Symposium (aka Potluck) House and friends on their frenetic parade around campus. The trill of kazoos (playing the Star Wars theme), accordions, oboes, and the clamor of tambourines, pots and pans, accompanied the shouts of a motley crew of […]

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Butler Dance Party

You. Shakin’ your thang. Three minutes. Butler group study room #407. Party time: 12:02 AM TONIGHT Do it.

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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