Purposeless after finals, Bwog stumbled across video of Joey Goldberg singing the national anthem at this year’s Commencement. It brought a tear to even our most cynical of eyes. Here’s the official University footage of Commencement 2010. Joey starts singing at about 45 seconds in. The university’s official Youtube channel is full of videos from […]
Every single member of the Columbia Class of 2010- that’s CC, SEAS, GS, BC, JSchool, BSchool, Law School is officially graduating right now. They are joined by approximately ten million family members and friends braving the truly nasty weather. At last, a justification for the tents. Photos to come, but in the meantime, in case […]
Hannah Goldstein watched 2010 graduate and saw Meryl Streep. Delights! How do you make students forget about a change in Class Day location and the threat of cooties? Distract them! The Barnard class of 2010’s new claim to bragging rights seems to have done the trick, and all senior faces were happy faces on this […]
Eliza Shapiro woke up so early for CC Class Day. Liz Naiden was late but she is forgiven, just this once. Their report follows. If you have pictures, video or overheards from this Class Day or any other, send em in using our tips form. Bwog guesstimates that it took 3.66 rounds of “Pomp and […]
Just like last year, the Empire State Building will be blue and white this Tuesday for Commencement. You have Whitney Green, ESC, and the American Dream to thank.
Do you hear that, Columbia? That’s the sound of 2013 rolling their blue bins (don’t forget to donate) towards the family car, stopping along the way to embrace their floormates like it’s the last day of sleepaway camp and the buses just rolled up. Most of you should be finishing up exams right about now, […]
Remember how Bill Clinton was going to maybe speak at CC Class Day? Well, he isn’t, but he will be speaking at the Public Health School’s Graduation at New Balance Track & Field Arena on 168th Street. Hubba hubba! The complete Graduation/Class Day/Commencement hullabaloo calendar has just been released for CC, GS and the School […]
As a sign that graduation is approaching, the unleashing of the bleachers reminds us all to shed a tear for departing seniors and for everyone else who just realized exams are in two weeks. Photo by AB
Strong, beautiful seniors, rejoice! Last we heard, you were going to graduate out of Levien Gym in Dodge Fitness Center. Thankfully, the Barnard administration has settled on something decidedly above ground. The 2010 Barnard commencement will take place on Ancel Plaza in front of SIPA, after which new graduates and their families can continue the […]
For most of our readers, the graduation ceremonies have finished, and after watching all the webcasts, we still can’t tell them apart. They all have graduates throwing things/falling asleep/not paying attention, administrators reminding said graduates about the opportunities that await them, and lots of light blue and school pride. The one area that does have […]
But only if you’re in the Law School or SIPA. Columbia’s Office of Communications and Public Affairs announced the complete list of Class Speakers today, and joining Attorney General Eric Holder are many other famous names to prop up the 22 various Class Day and Commencement ceremonies taking place between this Saturday (the B-School) and […]
Loyalty is not something ingrained in students at this spirit-deprived school. Even with all the excitement, we knew deep inside that Barack Obama (CC ’83, now some kind of important person) would never speak at Class Day. After all, what with saving the world, how could he possibly have time to visit his Alma Mater? […]
Seems that Hillary Clinton can’t get enough of Barnard: Barnard President Debora Spar just announced via email that the new Secretary of State (and former Senator, presidential candidate, and first lady) has agreed to give the commencement address at Barnard this spring. Clinton will also receive the Barnard Medal of Distinction – past recipients include […]
Congratulations, CC grads: you forked over $11.8 million for the Columbia College Fund this year. That’s more than any year yet, according to an e-mail sent to ’07ers yesterday. It didn’t take tipsters long to point out the Fund’s fumble. The thank you e-mail sent to donors included this photo from Commencement 2007. Oops. Full […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025