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Posts Tagged with "contemporary civilization"

We overheard two gentlemen at the Columbia bookstore buying their books for CC, and it doesn’t seem like they know what they’ve signed up for. Guy: I’ve got to buy two more books for CC, one’s called Three… Jinnies… and the other is by… Frehd, Frawd… Frohd?  Guy’s friend: How do you spell that?  It’s […]

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Oh wait, you actually thought this would be a study guide? That was a mistake. Where there is a will, there is a way to make sex jokes. Especially about the great writers of Western Literature and Philosophy. In the spirit of sex, we present our interpretation of how the greats of the Core would […]

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A huge piece in the today’s Times examined our most powerful and least proud alumnus’ deliberative process when ordering drone strikes,  in which he weighs the benefit of killing a suspected terrorist against the risk of killing innocents. The piece included an oblique shout-out to CC. Obama, who in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech mused […]

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Update (11:00 pm, Oct. 10): The petition has been officially released. The online petition now has over 300 signatures. Update (11:16 am, Oct. 8): The petition now lists 292 signatures, which can be read here. As expected, the largest departmental representations are from FAS humanities, Sociology, History and Anthropology, but the list also includes professors […]

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  With midterms approaching, seats in Butler come at a premium.  The number of alternative options is growing, but whether it’s the pleasing symmetry, or its world class ranking we can’t help coming back for more. So for dedicated Butler-ites, and also for those who are just trying to cram a half semester’s worth of […]

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On this last crisp autumn Monday, a CC class was proceeding lazily in a Carman classroom situated directly across from Frat Row. Somebody else was presumably having a less than studious morning, because unexpectedly and suddenly the room reeked of weed. As students snickered, rolled eyes and envied the bold toker, the instructor quick on […]

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 John Stuart Mill, courtesy Wikipedia Bwog knows finals for Contemporary Civilization are approaching when she hears students asking each other in the hallway, “Do you know anything about Nee-chay?” So, to all sophomores about to engage with the harm principle, categorical imperatives, and the social contract: exercise your will to power. The birds of prey […]

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Bwogger Eliza Shapiro may be a full year away from the CC dose of Freud, but that didn’t stop her from getting up for this semester’s CC Coursewide Lecture. Groggy CC sophomores and their balding elbow-patched professors filed into Miller Theater Friday morning for a coursewide lecture given by Jonathan Lear, a professor at our […]

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CCSC 2011 President Learned Foote writes to let us know that the council is celebrating the end of today’s CC exam with pizza and Red Bull (“for renewed studying”) in McBain Lounge today at 5 p.m.  “It’s primarily for sophomores, but if happy first-years want to join us, then that’s cool.”

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CC Study Guide

Yesterday we posted a LitHum study guide in limerick form. Today, we move on to CC, where we’ve summarized some texts as text messages. Leave your own creations in the comments.  Machiavelli’s The Prince U wnt pwr? akwr ur state by ne meenz necesry n mak sur ur feerd n not luvd.  crush ur enmys […]

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No, it wasn’t our fair University Professor, but three religious scholars who gathered in Roone Arledge Auditorium today to discuss God, truth and the other. Bwog Daily Editor and Sophomore Justin Vlasits reports. Having a coherent discussion among lay people about religion in any contemporary university is very, very difficult. In a setting that gets […]

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Chief Course Directory tipster Jake Miller informs Bwog that this morning, for the very first time, students have access to a full list of this year’s CC professors. For the confused Elevens, we’ve asked some informed upperclassmen (all of who received passing grades in CC!) with whom they recommend taking the class. Powerhouse celebrities Max […]

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From the deepest corner of our hearts, Bwog wishes underclassmen the best of luck on today’s Lit Hum and CC exams. We’d wrap this post up with a classical reference, but Bwog is being edited by an engineer today, so we’ll just allude to the Wretched of the Earth with a dash of übermenschen and […]

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 Plato is rooting for you! (and warns you that cheating is dumb)

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It takes a certain degree of intellectual comfort to decide you’ve conceived a brilliant new direction for a century-old course. Writing it up and sending it to the entire roster of CC praeceptors, the Committee on the Core, and Deans Yatrakis and Quigley, on the other hand, takes an almost suicidal hubris. One sophomore did, […]

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