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Posts Tagged with "schadenfreude"

The Kingsmen followed their annual tradition yesterday by interrupting classes with song-o-grams.  After sneaking into a class to catch one of their performances, Bwog stalked the group to more serenades, really learning the power of large groups of people in brightly colored jackets.  They explained that friends or members suggest people to serenade and provide […]

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The moment of move-in day (supposed to to start today) after your parents leave and before Orientation really begins is pretty terrifying. The Klimt posters securely tacked to your John Jay wall are not substitutes for human-person friends, and you don’t have any of those yet. One Bwogger remembered calling an older friend at this […]

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They came, they saw, they clung to their nametags. We’re sure we conquered their hearts and minds with our extremely desirable and hip aloofness, sporadically pleasant weather and immaculate study habits… But really though? More likely you did one of the following things, because you were amused by their fresh-faced naïveté, and took a sick […]

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Midterms do not always bring out the best in us. It is common knowledge that Aeneas was knee-deep in exam season when he killed Turnus, “aflame with rage.” And on Carman 12, no stranger to shenanigans, the primal urge to tear things down from bulletins boards has been indulged without mercy.

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  With midterms approaching, seats in Butler come at a premium.  The number of alternative options is growing, but whether it’s the pleasing symmetry, or its world class ranking we can’t help coming back for more. So for dedicated Butler-ites, and also for those who are just trying to cram a half semester’s worth of […]

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The New York housing market really is insane! This flyer, spotted in McBain, offers nearly a thousand dollars each to upperclassmen willing to throw in their lot with rich but ridiculous rising sophomores. Of course, plenty of upperclassmen use freshpeople fears about the housing lottery to score some sweet suite singles, but it seems few […]

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Orientation can be fun, provided you’re drunk or Kenneth the page. Columbia is very nice to you during NSOP (relish it!) and rents out the Met and everyone smiles and tells you where Pupin is when you ask them. There is, however, the underlying problem that you don’t know any of these people, and there’s […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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