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OsBlog 2007

We warned you. Bwog music critic Bryan Mochizuki has been peeing his pants all week for this moment: the Oscar Liveblog. Awards will start dropping in about an hour, so meanwhile, Bryan’s got a warmup for you. Keep refreshing for the latest updates. I don’t know a single person who is excited about Ellen DeGeneres […]

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In which Bwog freelancer Ashley Nin describes a flick that thrills in spite of itself. David Beckham’s jersey number is 23. According to the Mayans, the apocalypse is predicted for the year 2012. 20+1+2=23. Pink is a combination of Red and White, and if you add up their letters (for example, R is the 18th […]

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In which Bwog music critic Bryan Mochizuki programs your Friday, Sunday, and Monday nights. There are at least two really great shows in the city this weekend and two equally shiver-inducing MP3’s to share today, but first…THE OSCARS ARE THIS SUNDAY.  Among the reasons to be excited: this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award goes to Ennio […]

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Bwog music metacritic Bryan Mochizuki critiques the iTunes valentines day mixes, and offers his own. The advanced minds of the iTunes Music Store have put together a collection of mixes for Valentine’s Day, and they’re…pretty crappy.  It’s bad enough that some people will actually give their dude “Rock Love Songs For Him” – so does […]

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Oscar time!

Yeah, we know they’re still two weeks away, but Bwog likes to get things rolling early. Because there’s not much else exciting about February, we bring you an abridged set of Oscar predictions from daily Bwog editor Dan D’Addario and contributor Ashley Nin–because no one cares who did the best sound mixing anyway (Dan’s responses […]

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Bwog music critic Bryan Mochizuki explains the world of mixtapes, the reasons to buy them, and how to choose them well. You used to be able to walk up to 125th any time of day and there’d be half-a-dozen guys camped out between 7th and Lenox selling mixtapes – five bucks a pop, four for […]

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Bits and pieces gathered from the musical universe by Bwog music critic Bryan Mochizuki: The new Norah Jones comes out today, and her two parallel existences continue. One is the more popular Norah “always a safe bet for Mom” Jones, or Snorah for naysayers. The other is her insanely cred-garnering alter-ego, the one who covered […]

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In which BW culture editor Paul Barndt indulges a taste for blood and gore. You may have caught Pan’s Labyrinth, a violent fairy tale set in fascist Spain written and directed by Guillermo del Toro. It has a good shot at the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar this year, and I, for one, am a […]

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Bwog music critic Bryan Mochizuki would really like to have a mixtape review for you this week. Unfortunately, this happened two nights ago, and since Drama is the biggest DJ in the game, everyone is clamming up., the site that streams them for free, didn’t stream anything yesterday, and all of the places to […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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