While student groups may still be in the planning stages of any events about the Gaza conflict, some more Columbia professors have voiced their opposition to Israel’s actions, signing an open letter to Barack Obama written by USC English professor David Lloyd. Among the approximately 800 signatories are 14 Columbia faculty members, including: Anthro professor […]
And by The Boss we mean Bwog-fave Bruce Robbins, whose ruminations on Columbia’s dearth of academic freedom made it into this week’s edition of The Nation. Esther Kaplan’s penetrating investigation of Fair Alma revealed a brewing crisis in contemporary academia: fringe right-wing groups holding controversial events on campuses. And dear God does the future look bleak. Elsewhere, […]
Just when you thought that this year’s oratorical cavalcade couldn’t possibly get any weirder, Friendly Fire has invited world-renowned pornographer free speech activist Larry Flynt to speak here on Thursday at 5 PM in the Lerner Party Space (the email says to get there early). No announcement yet on whether there’ll be an afterparty at the Hustler […]
Proof from Hamilton 3 that flyering is a legitimate art form: In completely unrelated news, Bwog saw this rather militant-looking vehicle parked outside its window this morning. Though momentarily worried that our nation had suffered an overnight descent into Soviet-style martial law, Bwog’s fears were assuaged when it saw that it carried a banner reading “Elite Shooters.com.” We’re glad […]
Get ready for for this one: word has it that Columbia alumnus/right-wing writer David Horowitz plans to make an on-campus appearance sometime between October 22nd and 26th to spearhead “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week,” an event put on through the Terrorism Awareness Project. As a special treat, Horowitz plans to bring conservative talk show host Sean Hannity […]
It’s academia’s equivalent to The 50 Most Beautiful People. And it’s put out by that most discerning of polemicists, David Horowitz. With all the appropriate pageantry, he presents us withThe 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America. Danger is sexy! And guess what? Columbia is the sexiest! Nine of the Dr. Dangers teach at Columbia. Eric […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025