Bwog hops a lot—it’s how we get our exercise! This week, we kept up with our New Year’s Resolution and lecturehopped our way over to the Italian Academy to the 14th Annual David N. Dinkins Leadership and Public Policy Form: Crisis in State Budgets. Bwog Budget Bureau Chief (seriously, someone has to regulate our snack […]
Morningside may get a historic district, so watch out for higher real estate values and lots of older people looking pensive. (Spectator) Choreographer Luca (not Luka) Veggetti finds a home for his ballet Maa this season at Miller. (Capital) Don’t you wish your permanent shelter could look this trendy Tishrei through Elul? (Curbed) Gov. Paterson […]
Today’s Times has an article on how New York Governor David Paterson (CC ’77) has managed to reach amazingly low poll numbers in part through being perceived as “increasingly remote.” Included as an example of this remoteness is a section telling of how Paterson canceled his scheduled commencement address at Teachers College last Spring two […]
Metrocards may be on the rise next year because the MTA has no money. Start panicking. (Gothamist) And Columbia had to give out fewer faculty awards because we don’t have a whole lot of, say, discretionary income. (Spectator) Bike groups like Critical Mass are getting the legislative equivalent of a cop’s two-handed shove, and will […]
Sorry, Class of 2010, guess you’ll never know when the next 1 train is arriving. (NYT) Sorry, David Paterson, CC’77, but come on- can’t you just take the hint? (Daily Intel) Sorry, New York school kids… all that zucchini bread is going straight to your hips. You can thank us later. (NYT) Sorry to break […]
Image via Paterson may have been dumped by the White House, but he’s sticking with it nonetheless (and he’s not backing Bloomberg) (NYT; NY Daily News). Various Barnard departments are working to carve up the Vag–sorry–the Diana (Spec). Park(ing) Day takes over park(ing) spaces for all that’s good and green (Spec). NYC might boast the […]
Sometimes you just have to call it quits, pull up stakes, and head home to greener pastures. A number of people are doing just that this weekend, and Bwoglines brings you their stories. You know you must not be wanted when even Gov. David Paterson is worried you’ll make him unpopular. (Gothamist) Speaking of the […]
Hot off the presses from City Hall and Albany: Governor David Paterson (CC ’77) and Mayor Michael Bloomberg expressed their support again for the Manhattanville expansion, after the project was approved by the Public Authorities Control Board. Paterson said the expansion “will enhance the vitality of both the University and its neighboring community, while meeting […]
Earlier today, as reported by City Room, the board of the MTA voted to both raise fares and cut back on services. The widely-expected move comes amid a serious budget crunch, exacerbated because the MTA is required to have a balanced budget. Local officials claim that this was a necessary step, especially after the state […]
So yesterday the Empire State Development Corp. voted to approve Columbia’s $6.28 billion expansion expansion into Manhattanville. In doing so, the state designated the area as blighted, which is necessary in order to invoke eminent domain. The decision came as a result of a blight study by AKRF Inc., which found that Manhattanville consisted of […]
Not even a fortnight since Eliot Spitzer’s resignation, problems with New York’s newest governor, David Paterson (CC ’77), have already surfaced. The New York Daily News is reporting that Paterson had used campaign funds to purchase clothing, bar tabs, and hotel stays at a Quality Inn on the Upper West Side (at which to carry […]
Careful perusal of the Bulletin has revealed that New York’s governor-in-waiting, David Paterson, is teaching a class here at his alma mater. Because he is employed part time by the state legislature, the class was not due to start until tomorrow. Bwog intuits that this has been canceled. Bad news for the SIPA students who […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025