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Posts Tagged with "election season"

CCSC kept it short and sweet this week with the busyness of election season in mind, but still managed to vote on a proposal by Class Representative Brandon Shi (CC ’22).

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In a recent email to the Barnard student body, SGA announced the winners of the First-Year Class Council. 45.7% of the Class of 2020 voted – a higher turnout than in the past two years. The email praised the “successful, innovative and productive campaigns” of all of the candidates. The new Barnard First-Year Class Council […]

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Who will be the next to bring air conditioning to your local lounge, or free feminine hygiene products to bathrooms across campus? With the passing of the deadline to register for CCSC and ESC candidacy, we now present you with the lineup for who you will potentially be targeting your campus complaints at next year. The Columbia […]

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To my new roommate: I really thought I knew what rock bottom felt like after 20 minutes of shaking my ass on a 60 year old for entry to a club violating NYC’s health code and a free shot of fireball, but you opened my eyes. After that night on my 14th birthday, I decided […]

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Student council elections and the bureaucracy behind them have changed FOREVER. How so? We have a new elections board, chaired by Jeremy Meyers, CC ’15. Meyers explained himself and his spiffy new board to Bwog in this short but sweet interview. Bwog: What’s different this year about the student council elections? Jeremy: This is the […]

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The SGA Elections Commission announced the candidates for the Barnard Spring 2013 elections season. The Candidates’ Forum (Speeches and Q&A) is this Sunday, April 7th, 7 pm – 9 pm, in the Diana Event Oval. The click for the Candidates’ platforms and look at the full list of candidates after the jump!

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The 212, a group of candidates for CCSC Executive Board, hopes that free food is the surest path to the hearts of the electorate. Bwog, ever unbiased, merely informs you that these prospective politicians will be giving out 300 homemade marshmallows along with chocolate and graham crackers in Butler Cafe this evening at 10:30 pm. […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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