Disclaimer: The irony of this journey is not lost on me, considering that practically every weekend since the beginning of NSOP has concluded at some random EC suite because Columbia’s nightlife is pretty abysmal and, let’s face it, EC is probably our saving grace. Nonetheless the tale of my upheaval is still very much a […]
Happening Around The World: Following violent clashes in Cameroon, Bamenda is on lockdown. Whilst the lockdown isn’t official, internet services have been shut down in the region and although MTN (the countries largest internet provider) cited “internet problems” as the cause many suspect that internet in the region is being deliberately blocked. (BBC) Happening In […]
It’s missing—that beautiful, bold industrial stapler usually stationed at the front desk of Lerner. You’ve used it to staple everything from your 50-sheet long Anthropology readings and your pirated eBook of Sappho’s poetry to your print-outs of Chem lecture notes (because you never go) and the collection of quotes you’ve collected from your Biology professor. You […]
One religion has more holidays than the others, and it’s not Festivus. (Slate) According to the Supreme Court people just need to suck it up and strip down. (NYT) Greta Gerwig, a Barnard grad staring in the upcoming film Damsels in Distress, was never that into Columbia frat guys. Maybe she’d prefer Dan Rad? (NY […]
Update, 12:45 pm: Starbucks on 115th is back in business! About to head out the door for your morning Starbucks? Hold up! Due to the water issues that have been plaguing the neighborhood as of late, the 115th location is closed indefinitely. O, the misfortune! The perils of a caffeine-less 10 am class! What is […]
Bwog’s ever-seasonably dressed Victoria Wills chanced upon this bit of weather-related angst in Hamilton 413.
Today, Tunisians will be heading to the polls for the first time since the ousting of Ben Ali, marking the first official election of the Arab Spring. Still, officials are worried of widespread reports of corruption could mar the election’s legitimacy. (Guardian, NYT) Another day, another celebrity Occupies Wall Street. This time, it was Katy […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025