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Posts Tagged with "free condoms"

A longing poem to the pre-pandemic days where we all wanted to touch and take free stuff.

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Where does Duane Reade get off selling a three pack of condoms for $6.99? We all know that’s absurd, but tonight when you notice that condom in your wallet (the one you got from that anti-smoking street performance group six months ago) is just a little too expired, you’ll shell out that seven bucks without […]

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SSDP has a table on the Lerner Ramps, and they’re right now handing out condoms and lube!

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Use condoms. Have a good year! Guide by Stephen Davan. Click to enlarge in a pop-up window. RAs and other Good Samaritans, you can download a PDF version of this map for printing in color or greyscale. Columbia Condoms: Gotta Catch ’em All!

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We owe ya one, Mayor Bloomberg! A faithful Lerner-roaming tipster noticed what looks to be a new NYC Condom dispenser in Lerner’s 5th floor SDA complex.  There seems to be a sign above the contraption with an arrow pointing directly below, indicating that free condoms can be obtained here. Good thing they clarified, ’cause we […]

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Free Condoms

Free NYC Subway condoms at the Lerner Lobby desk– in case your RA hasn’t been diligent about keeping them coming (oh… that was terrible). Courtesy of CQA.

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Senior Addison Anderson cheers up Bwog:  “Everyone should know that there is a box of free NYC condoms at the main desk in Lerner.  Everyone should also know that I am now walking around with a whole bunch of condoms and am ready to go.”

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Today is the first workday of Queer Awareness Month, and the works are certainly in progress. Alma is bracketed by a floating balloon-rainbow and several students are seated at a table in front of her, handing out treats. Skip along to Low Plaza to get free Skittles (Taste the Rainbow) and condoms from our campus […]

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