Just in time for Parent’s Weekend and Homecoming, GendeRevolution presents GenderF*ck, Columbia and Barnard’s annual body positive, trans* and queer dance, tonight from 10 pm-2 am in Roone (enter via Broadway). Come by and dance in drag, underwear, or whatever makes you feel sexy. Free dance! Free food! More information here.
Queer Awareness Month brings you more food! It’s happening right now till 7.30 pm in Broadway Room. Make your way over there to see if you can get your hands on some delicious Ethopian. Extra points for anyone with a colorful plate. Plate that’s too pretty to eat via Flickr
At 6pm, there will be Free Pizza at the screening of “A Civil Action,” a film about groundwater contamination issues that stars John Travolta, William H. Macy, and Robert Duvall. Head to Lerner 569 for environmentalist fun, and/or if you are hopelessly in love with one of the aforementioned actors. Also at 6:30, Queer Awareness […]
A number of free food events fill this Wednesday evening, so many that we’re going to split the listings into two posts. Starting in right now in Lerner Party Space, QuAM is hosting “panelists from across the political spectrum” to talk about LGBTQ issues, with chips, soda, and cookies to help the discussion go down […]
Late-night news in “Giant Inflatable Penis-gate,” as the queer community has moved quickly to respond to the controversial editorial published in Wednesday’s Spectator. In addition to the factual errors, the editorial is also attracting controversy for alleging that Queer Awareness Month “must be sure to focus on awareness and education before revelry.” The “revelry” in […]
An amused tipster — who has thoughtfully already coined the phrase “Giant Inflatable Penis-Gate” — has just pointed Bwog in the director of Spec‘s recent correction to this morning’s staff editorial on Queer Awareness Month. The correction reads: “Because of an editorial mistake, the original version misstated that Columbia Queer Alliance was responsible for Queer […]
Well, the conservative media was right—the gays are taking over. October is Queer Awareness Month—QuAM, for short—and in honor, the Columbia Queer Alliance is leading all kinds of events around campus. Today’s offerings: chalking, in honor of National Coming Out Day (today!), and an all (or mostly) gay reincarnation of last year’s Big Kiss. A […]
Today is the first workday of Queer Awareness Month, and the works are certainly in progress. Alma is bracketed by a floating balloon-rainbow and several students are seated at a table in front of her, handing out treats. Skip along to Low Plaza to get free Skittles (Taste the Rainbow) and condoms from our campus […]
Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
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