Let’s not lie—after seeing The Hunger Games, you realized you would be roughly a million times cooler if you learned to shoot a bow and arrow. Today, Columbia’s Varsity Archery Team is there to help you achieve that goal. From 12 to 3 PM in the Lefrak Gym, you can go shoot a real bow […]
Are you as hungry as the hyenas from The Lion King? Well, stick with Bwog and you’ll never go hungry again! At 8pm in Lerner 503, you can get free food from Camp Kesem’s third general body meeting and second counselor information session. Open Mic Night is from 9:30 to midnight in the Broadway 1st […]
Trim up the trees with Christmas stuff Like bingle balls, and whofoo fluff Trim up the town with goowho gums and bizilbix and wums – Doctor Seuss It’s time again for Columbia’s most festive tradition, the Tree Lighting Ceremony! Leave your dark miserable studying and revel in our campus’s wintery beauty. From the Facebook event: […]
When you’re sufficiently cold after tomorrow’s Tree Lighting, the Block RAs will warm you with free food and cheer at their Open Mic Night from 9:30 pm to midnight in the Broadway 1st Floor Lounge. Seasonal goodies will include pumpkin pie, cider, and cookies, but don’t fret if you don’t/can’t eat gluten, meat, or dairy—they’ll […]
The smells of free chili, rice, and cake will rise into the air and the Brooklyn electronic group “Blank Paper” might rise to sheer stardom. Since Flannery O’Connor wrote that “everything that rises must converge,” we should’ve seen Live at Lerner’s final Sounds event of the semester coming! What’s not to love about free food […]
Due to Columbia students’ penchant for dropping out at the last minute, there are now open seats at the LLC’s Dean-in-Residence Alumni Dinner and Discussion. The scrumptious dinner will be 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM today (11/26) at a secret location in the LLC (Location will be presumably sent out after RSVP). The dinner will be limited to the […]
There are two types of free food events today, and since Bwog loves you we have scientifically worked out that if one ends at 8 pm, and the other begins at 9 pm, and you’re on a train moving backwards…you should be able to attend both and still have time to party afterwards. Yay college! […]
Tonight in 707 IAB, from 7-9pm is the launch party for the Columbia Political Review and FREE FeelGood sandwiches along with other “nom nom nom goodies” will be the guests of honor. Every FeelGood sandwich that is eaten goes to the good cause of ending world hunger (as well as the good cause of ending […]
If you’re in the mood for Afro-indie music or free healthy food, pop into the Lerner Piano Lounge between 12-1 pm today. Live at Lerner is back, bringing you Osekre and the Lucky Bastards. Chow on “Tabouli salad, roasted vegetarian platter, tossed green salad, fruit, all that jazz” along with macarons by the hundreds from Mille-Feuille—guess […]
Come to Bwog tonight at 7 pm in the SGO on the 5th floor of Lerner. There will be free food and Hurricane Sandy puns galore. Without a doubt the hardest song on DDRMAX via Youtube
If you have a Saturday night craving for food for talking about sustainability, international development, and global health with Engineers Without Borders, we’ve got you covered. Tonight’s annual Beyond Borders event will feature Rogier Van Helmond (from Doctors Without Borders) and engineer Kylie Twitchell as speakers. You do not have to be rich nor an engineer […]
CU Ferris Reel Film Society, COÖP, and First Year Experience will be screening Moonrise Kingdom on Low Plaza at 6 PM today (10/27). There will be free cider and cocoa. Rain location is in Lerner Cinema. Columbia University National Undergraduate Film Festival (CUNUFF) will also be hosting an Evening of Horror at 8 PM today (10/27) […]
Community Health House is hosting a health policy debate in Wallach Lounge from 12-2 pm. The event is cosponsored by CU Dems, CUCR, CU Debate, Health Leads, and the Phoenix Project. There will be free lunch provided by Havana Central. Bwog was interested to hear more about how health policy relates to Columbia students, and so asked CU Dems and […]
Postscrypt is firing up this fall’s Folktober Fest at nightfall in Carman Lounge from 8:30-11. Folks can frolic at the open mic from 8:30-10, for 10-11 is for their foremost fixture, the Morningsiders. For feeding, there will be farmer’s market apple cider, FeelGood grilled cheese, and baked goods by 4Local! Further facts in this fancy Facebook form. Fun!
Bwog’s favorite part of Homecoming, free stuff, continues today. Swing by Low Plaza from 5-7 for finger painting, hot cocoa, cupcakes, mini donuts, cookies, and, if you’re wearing Columbia blue, items from the student athletics advisory committee! Five-finger painting via Shutterstock
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025