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Posts Tagged with "freshletter 2024"

At least it’s good practice for having a real job after graduation.

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Don’t want to feel like an alien (visa status pun) in your first year of college? Follow this advice!

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NSOP has the potential to be the most humbling, most spirit-breaking, but most transformative week of your life. Bwog is here to help.

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Columbia University has been subject to much media attention regarding its pro-Palestine protests and Encampments over the past several months. Bwog reported on the protests first-hand and provided live updates throughout the duration of the Encampment. Read for a summary of Bwog’s coverage of the protests during the 2023-2024 academic year. Content warning: violence, discrimination, […]

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Don’t listen to the stereotypes, I swear it’s different here…

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Tread lightly first-years… the dating scene at Columbia is, well, something to behold. 

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There are many ways to maintain a connection with your loved ones back home while building a life in New York. Here are some of Bwog’s tips for keeping in touch.

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Thank you Sahmaya Busby for your very thoughtful and nuanced review of my recent concert. It is very moving to (read more)
Courtney Bryan’s Composer Portrait Explores The Sound Of Freedom
September 16, 2024
i LOVED this article!! Can’t wait to read more from these authors (read more)
SuperBowl For Nerds: Columbia’s Debate Watch Party
September 16, 2024
Lloyd Dobler is amazing. You should definitely watch Say Anything! (read more)
RoomHop: Sister Showdown!
September 15, 2024
IM DEADDD (read more)
RoomHop: Sister Showdown!
September 15, 2024

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