Election season is fast approaching! And while there has only been one candidate announcement as of yet (not counting Mr. Carey, of course) Bwog has been hearing through the grapevine that Krebs will be facing current VP Policy Alidad Damooei in what is sure to be an epic battle of the light blue-est. In the […]
George Krebs, everyone’s favorite CCSC ’09 President is starting his Quixotic journey towards a possible E-board presidency. On this eve of President’s Day, he could not discuss policy specifics but instead resorted to Obama-esque generalities. The ticket of this as yet unnamed the party is still in construction (Wanted: “Outstanding” candidate for VP Funding), but […]
Tonight Roone was witness to what at first appears like quite the odd couple: Columbia economist Jeff Sachs and Grammy winner John Legend. And no, Jeff was not there for a duet. These formidable giants of academia and entertainment were brought together by an ambitious goal: to eliminate global poverty. While Sachs is no neophyte […]
The CCSC gossip has been flowing like cheap wine at Columbia Cottage. For your edification: Item #1: Chris Kulawik may have come closer to a CCSC run than anyone realized. As George Krebs struggled to put together a ticket, he received feelers from Kulawik’s associates to see if he was interested in joining a Kulawik […]
Other quirks in recent news, for your Friday pleasure. The strike is not the only thing that has put Columbia in the news lately. According to Bwog reader James Downie, the rugby team’s planned visit to Trinidad and Tobago is also newsworthy, or at least for this Tobago publication. The writer even refers to our […]
Sometimes, when one wanders long enough in the inscrutable labyrinth of the bureaucracy, one confronts not the Minotaur of crude administrative obfuscation but a true gem. Here are selections from one such gem, the new “Leadership Life Newsletter” coughed up by SDA to “guide you [student leaders] through the challenging and important task of leading […]
Few busy Columbia College students have the time to fully peruse their class presidents’ frequent and information-packed emails. Bwog is here to help. We’ve compiled and graded the best of your class and college presidents’ comments from their most recent appearances in our inbox, just in time for midterms. From the ’10s to the ’07s […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025