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Posts Tagged with "so much drama"

The school year might be over as far as final exams and cat-naps in Butler go, but as we learned last summer, there’s never a dull moment for the admin. As SEAS seniors and their Dean get ready to tear up South Lawn, their student council remind us that there’s more to the story, with […]

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A nighttime wanderer encountered this assertive sign inside Morton Williams, crying its outrage to innocent evening shoppers. We don’t know who Brandi is, but MoWils seems to mean business.

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The following arrangement was spotted in Furnald—which may we puh-lease just emphasize is NOT Carman—this past weekend. We’ve got to hand it to the guy who made this sign: you’ve done excellent work with the shading on the giant arrow. Nothing says “clean up after yourself” like some classic light-to-dark 3D action.  

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The Race Ends Here

Korilla, the Korean BBQ food truck run by Columbia alums, has been a competitive contestant on the second season of the hit Food Network reality TV show “The Great Food Truck Race.” In this week’s episode, filmed in Memphis, the Korilla truck ran into some problems. Here are the relevant parts of the episode, according […]

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Claiming seats in Butler is less of a science, and more of an art. There are techniques that work for some locations, but fail in others. This evening, Senior Butler Analyst Alex Jones spotted the stakeout below and uses it to illustrate one of the many finer points of Butler camping: item usage. There are […]

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To the distraught and distressed, Take heart! The day has finally come. Wave goodbye to sleepless nights and weird, stress-induced rashes. Take a deep breath, hold it in for a moment, then exhale. It’s over. The mystery of one campus flagpole, that is. Oh, you thought we were talking about midterms? Awkward. But dramatic intros […]

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Continuing today’s snow sculpture-related coverage, and apropos to tonight’s J-School lecture on regime change, one of the once proudly (or panoptically!) upstanding snowmen on South Lawn appears to have capitulated, inspiring Bwog to cite Shelley’s “Ozymandias” and post this apt juxtaposition:   Meanwhile, this find on Hamilton Lawn indicates it may not have been quite the bloodless coup: […]

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Bwog presents a couple of blind items for campaign season. Any guesses? WHICH Class Council member, running for re-election, admitted to a Bwog reporter at a mandatory candidates’ rules meeting that she was intoxicated? She spent the meeting text-messaging and gossipping about the uselessness of the meeting – and she seemed none too pleased with […]

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The CCSC gossip has been flowing like cheap wine at Columbia Cottage. For your edification: Item #1: Chris Kulawik may have come closer to a CCSC run than anyone realized. As George Krebs struggled to put together a ticket, he received feelers from Kulawik’s associates to see if he was interested in joining a Kulawik […]

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For some time now, Bwog has been wondering where Bored at Butler went. Almost a week ago, the site’s normal interface disappeared, replaced by a message that reads “r.i.p. b@b…46,848 posts…down for reconstruction, come back soon…” Bwog knows via comments that some of its readers share its curiosity about the site’s fate. Well, wonder no […]

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The War Continues

It started with Alexander Hamilton, and now the facebook fascists have struck again. One complainant reports: “It’s an all out hunt. My Barack Obama account has been disabled. It won’t be long before Peter Parker gets rubbed out too. It was fun while it lasted I suppose. The Columbia Squirrel and Pigeon better watch out. […]

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Havoc Humanities

Oh, the scandal! According to Bwog’s Lit Hum teacher, a positively Virgilian battle took place at a meeting this morning in preparation for this Friday’s final, which is written by committee. Apparently, there is disagreement over how best to torture freshmen. But besides squabbling over exam content, every two years the syllabus undergoes revision. This […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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