PrezBo held one of his famous fireside chats; this time, for graduate students. He served us pretty good burritos and nachos, as well as the smallest cupcakes Bwog has ever seen. Wonder what he said? Presidential party crasher Artur Renault has got you covered. People were very confused at my name tag, which said “Bwog,” where […]
Last night, lucky students (along with invited guests like CCSC President Karishma Habbu, ESC President Tim Qin, and members of the media) spent an evening in PrezBo’s house for one of his famous “Fireside Chats,” dining on fine cuisine (mini hot dogs, mini burgers, regular size chicken fingers, and cookies) and discussing the state of […]
Rome: Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York was appointed a Catholic Cardinal this weekend. Red hats abound. (NYT) Montauk: Gawker profiles one of the most creative and implausible con artists in recent memory, the so-called “Montauk Grifter.” Users of OkCupid: you’ve been warned. (Gawker) China: The people who make your iPad can’t afford your iPad. […]
Last night a star-studded panel featuring PrezBo, David Ignatius, Salman Rushdie, Michael Schudson and Michael Doyle, convened in the Rotunda for a discussion titled “Free Speech in a Globalized World,” which focused on PrezBo’s lastest book, “Uninhibited, Robust and Wide-Open: A Free Press for a New Century.” Ridiculously-famous-academic-to-be Sam Schube gives us the low down […]
LectureHopper Mark Hay sat in on Thursday’s presentation by noted sociologist Bruno Latour at the Heyman Center for the Humanities. He sends Bwog this dispatch from the event, a lively discussion of identity, ideology, and globalization. For those who have never hunkered down for an event in the Kraft Center’s Rennert Hall, a few words […]
Bwog lecture hopper Emma Jacobs took some time out of midterms this week to focus on the macroscopic. Her report follows. Saskia Sassen, U. Chicago professor, sociologist and general wonder-academic, spoke in Fayerweather on Wednesday on one of Columbia’s favorite topics: globalization. Sassen began by talking about her newest work, which posits that the major […]
Previewing Stiglitz’s Next Best-Seller Last Tuesday night’s World Leaders Forum kickoff event was billed as “a discussion with distinguished panelists” on the subject of globalization. It ended up more like the first leg of a book tour for University Professor and Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, who monopolized the event, discussing his forthcoming manifesto, Making Globalization Work. No […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025